Report: East Palestine soil has dioxin levels hundreds of times more than the threshold that causes cancer.
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Report: East Palestine soil has dioxin levels hundreds of times more than the threshold that causes cancer.
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Sounds like this town will become another Times Beach.
Isn’t unhinged capitalism great? /s
So…. How many CEO’s have been arrested…?
so weird, I’m subscribed to TYT, but I don’t get recommended their videos anymore. I thought that was the whole point of YT subs
I love how far-right media started ignoring this disaster as soon as they realized it was hurting Trump more than Biden.
If this is widespread in the samples, then residents should leave now. The slow grind of bureaucratic response will be ample time for these compounds to do their worst. If the burn had high levels of dioxin, it’s not a stretch to think pcb and benzene byproducts are also present. They will need to incinerate the soil, reaidents will be leaving now or later (or with or without cancer).
People need to be moved out of town and compensated for their property losses at pre-disaster levels. No people should be living there.
media essentially silent on this, because everyone knows not the insurance, not the corporations responsible for this negligence will pay out to resolve the issue.
Just watched White Noise on netflix, and omg its like art imitating life imitating art, and america just keeps chugging along repeating the same shit over and over again.
Consider the whole town fucking shot… this is tragic and the inhabitants should have all moving costs covered by Norfolk Southern.
Can anyone check their sources, please?
Russians have been busted just recently with fake but blue check Twitter accounts spreading a lot of BS about the spill.
Dioxins are everywhere and burning brush in your backyard can create levels hundreds of times higher than an trash incinerator.
the epa: the water is safe to drink
Local news says otherwise. https://www.wfmj.com/story/48596547/epa-no-evidence-of-toxins-in-soil-from-controlled-tanker-burn-in-east-palestine
I would be careful blindly following TYT headlines in recent years.
That said, I hope the perps can and will be found liable for this brazen, unacceptable behavior.
Which soil? if it’s just a 100-foot area around the train crash site, then it’s not hard to fence that spot off and have the topsoil hauled away. If it’s soil located 10 miles away, then I’m pretty sure the reporting would say that the tested sample is from 10 miles away.
No worries. The GOP has a plan to address this.
1) Eliminate the EPA, which decides what causes cancer
2) Enjoy a cancer free world
3) Without cancer taking out ~~serfs~ employees, see a booming labor marked
4) Create NEW government agency to combat fake news about dangerous chemicals, and promote real news about the benefits of dioxins, and fossil fuels.
5) Create a special fund to reimburse the rail companies for damages to their brand caused by liberal fake news about “cancer” causing “bad chemicals.”
Arrest the CEOs. Pay these residents
Sorry, but I don’t trust anyone that name their show after a genocide.
In Canada the acceptable level of anything is considered to be 1/100,000 chance of cancer in 70 years.
What has the government done about any of this?
It’s amazing how quickly you can ruin my perception of you as a credible source of news by running your mouth and framing a story without just giving good information.
While I’d generally agree that the US should tighten it’s dioxin limits for residential soils, I don’t think the levels they found are necessarily a meaningful risk. I certainly know that TYT wants me to think otherwise though. It certainly seems there’s a lot of effort to shape the narrative that what happened is apocalyptic and East Palestine is a wasteland where nobody should live.
What happened can be awful and pose a level of risk that is just bad and deserving of serious action and consequences while not being catastrophic. Calm down. You’re starting to sound like righties screeching that any city that had BLM protests are now burnt out craters, or when they screeched the same shit about half the cities in Europe back during the migrant crisis.
TYT is so opinionated it’s nearly as bad as Faux News.
Well Biden said everything is fine and to worry about Chinese balloon. So please, be a patroit and think about how a bare level Chinese balloon could be spying on you and forget about the toxins that’ll be inside you.
Biden said so
Jesus Christ the young turks.
These guys track record is insane.
Can someone validate they’re claims? Cause i have a realy hard time trusting anything they say.
So let’s have a look at the numbers. Apparently the sample contains 700 ppt.
The WHO gives a provisional tolerable monthly intake (PTMI) of 70 picogram/kg per month.
1 pg/kg is the equivalent of 1000 ppt.
So the daily intake is still 100 times higher than what is found in the soil in East Palestine.
The contaminated soil at the site is being moved. Stop spreading misinformation. Follow the data. https://www.epa.gov/oh/east-palestine-ohio-train-derailment-emergency-response
“Soil removal continues at the derailment site and approximately 8,393 tons of contaminated soil has shipped to disposal facilities. Work at the site includes removing tracks in sections, and removing soil and placing it in a staging area for disposal. Soil removal continues on the south track rail area; planning for the north track rail removal is underway. During the soil removal process, Norfolk Southern, with EPA oversight, will conduct soil sampling beneath the excavated rail track.”
(Edited to add source)
Thanks, Pete
The US government doesn’t care. They are too busy trying to ban TikTok.
I wouldn’t have even heard about East Palestine if not for TikTok or Reddit.
I love a little agent orange in the morning.