Released in an alternate timeline somewhere at the turn of the century. What are some of the moves/abilities of the Lucas Arts adventure game characters?
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Released in an alternate timeline somewhere at the turn of the century. What are some of the moves/abilities of the Lucas Arts adventure game characters?
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Sam and Max would be a joke character and top tier
You ever see something you didn’t know you wanted until you saw it?
I know this is silly, but I’m sad there aren’t more comments.
Guybrush Threepwood can hold hiw breath for 10 minutes and one of his abilities is use a voodo doll of his rival
Street Fighter EX vs Master of Teras Kasi
Manny is rocking a sweet retractable scythe for harvesting souls. Seems like a solid finisher. LeChuck can call his undead pirate crew.
Jedi power battles was badass!
Day of Tentacle: Bernard/Laverne/Hoagie as one specific character that you have to “switch” / toilet travel to change to each. all have different abilities dealing with adventure/time era.
Pick up, Talk to, Open, Close, Give to, Push, Pull, Use.
I mean, I feel like this should go full hog and be LucasArts vs. Sierra characters.