Reached my goal of helping 3000 people beat the final boss of Elden ring! 5K is my next goal! 😁 love all you fellow tarnished! -LetMeSoloThem
View Reddit by supersaiyanvidel – View Source
Reached my goal of helping 3000 people beat the final boss of Elden ring! 5K is my next goal! 😁 love all you fellow tarnished! -LetMeSoloThem
View Reddit by supersaiyanvidel – View Source
You’re amazing! I really like your dedication to helping people!
All us scrubs salute you, and the DBZ username is icing on the cake for me 👍
As someone that sucked at DS1 and couldn’t get past the forth boss or something
You legend.
The opportunity to game with Legends like you, and not just kill them for rememberences is a constant temptation to play online.
“Helping” XD
Amazing work! How exactly did you help others? Posting guides?
I gotta say and this is a genuine question. Are these usually peoples first run? Because I feel like summoning someone to fight the last boss is the last thing I would ever do lol. Like, it would take 100 percent of the thrill and satisfaction away from me. I’m just curious as to why people ask for help with any bosses, especially the last one. Is it like them just messing around usually or is it their actual first run to beat the game?
Is that a Ginyu Force pose? 😂
So you’re proud of stealing someone’s name and idea…..got it
I love the unofficial “Let me solo” covenant that has popped up since “Let me solo her” came on the scene. Love this community.
Everyone getting confused with Let Me Solo Her. This is Let Me Solo Them.. Not the same person.
Still cool for helping the community tho
This is AWESOME!!
Any Doom & Doom II vets want to help me beat Nightmare on PS4? Need a partner!
I had a dude join my game, vanish till I had Nameless King to a fraction of his health left and one shot him lol i still don’t know how I feel about it
How much of a challenge is a hard boss after thousands of attempts?
How do you even keep count at this point?? I would’ve lost count forever ago. But I’m not as amazing as you. Very few are. Keep going!
Why not make your own character or use your own ideas instead of just copying what others did?
Can you beat the whole game for me? I’ll just follow and pick up the cool stuff
Nice to help the community, but seems like more of a rip off of “letmesoloher” than an homage
Welp, I guess I should get around to finishing this game, if only to help you!
OH SHIT, I remember you, I summoned you to help me and you got Elden Beast down to like 10% hp before dying.
I still credited you the win and did a T-Pose in your honor
Noice! Jacob from Secret Sleepover Society is currently dealing with Malenia on his streams, even with summoning viewers it’s still been difficult. I could never play these games, Tunic was difficult for me, I couldn’t imagine fighting bosses like Malenia. I prefer just being a viewer.
I love you Reddit username. 🥰
Everyone needs a helping hand once in awhile. Sun bros salute you sir.
Love this game. Never beat it.
Love that you helped me months back. Wish I could remember which boss bc I recruited a lot of help my 1st run. You’re good peoples
Oh so you just ripped off the actual guy. Cool?
*139 million runes*
Meanwhile I was sweating when I hit 1.2M and hadn’t spent them
this boss was easy compared to scarlet rot biatch
Love your user name. – Big Videl fan wishing she got more screen time
So this guy is basically a copycat of the original guy who uses the same exact look and nearly the same name?
Cool cool. It’s gallagher II
This will be buried but it’s for OP anyway.
You actually did this fight for me, so **THANK YOU!!**
I tried these fights like 30 times and just got fed up 😀
Careful, they’re a hero
Not all heroes wear capes…or clothes
You must have a lot of time on your hands
Man how many hours you got in that game?
How do you kill that which has no life
I found this boss easy but annoying running away for 10min x)
If you’re the real deal, I’ll see you in about 17 hours.
Dude you are the savior I ve been looking for. Can I get some help? I m stuck exactly at Radagon/Elden Beast.
Congrats! 3000 people, that’s nuts.
I also love helping people beat the final boss. I think I’m on around 300-400 of successful helps, though I can only solo the Beast.
If I tried my name would have to be LetThemSoloMe
Technically speaking if you buy me the game that is helping me beat the final boss.