April 8, 2023 by meeklywake96 Re-post from r/pics: A 19 year old Sofia Vergara – 1991 [ad_2] View Reddit by meeklywake96 – View Source
Some people get hit by puberty differently. I started losing hair and growing neckbeard at the age of 19 April 8, 2023 at 1:41 pm Reply
Her voice though 😭😭😭 Downvote me all you want. The woman has an absolutely insufferable voice. April 8, 2023 at 2:18 pm Reply
I’ve never really thought about how much I appreciate the inventor of elastic material until just now. Damn!! April 8, 2023 at 3:02 pm Reply
Wow! I’m visiting Miami currently, and there are so many beautiful women just walking around looking this good. April 8, 2023 at 10:48 pm Reply
Man in like the mid 2000s she was the biggest deal. I bet she is still hot April 8, 2023 at 11:32 pm Reply
Shit. That was the year I went to war for real the first time. I was 21 and in Basra. April 9, 2023 at 1:39 am Reply
But being attracted to her when you are 30 makes you a pedophile for the internet lul April 9, 2023 at 8:15 am Reply
Some people get hit by puberty differently. I started losing hair and growing neckbeard at the age of 19
Her voice though 😭😭😭
Downvote me all you want. The woman has an absolutely insufferable voice.
I’ve never really thought about how much I appreciate the inventor of elastic material until just now. Damn!!
Built for naughty
Too bad her voice is kryptonite
Is she that wide or is it just the picture
Mama Mia!
Sofia Viagra. I fixed it.
Deformed photo to try and evade repost detection?
The original ” thick” lady
My child hood crush 🥰
Lil fatty. But i like it. 😜
That’s a whole lot of woman for 19… and I’m 29
I always wondered why they named it viagra
Holy moly.
Finger lickin good
I’m visiting Miami currently, and there are so many beautiful women just walking around looking this good.
Man in like the mid 2000s she was the biggest deal. I bet she is still hot

OMG!!! How did she escape the clutches of the cartels??
I copied it
This may be evidence that she is an ageless vampire!
Shit. That was the year I went to war for real the first time. I was 21 and in Basra.
Damn, she’s gorgeous
But being attracted to her when you are 30 makes you a pedophile for the internet lul