Raven escorts a red-tailed hawk out of its territory. ©️Spirit Hawk Photography on FB
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Raven escorts a red-tailed hawk out of its territory. ©️Spirit Hawk Photography on FB
View Reddit by aliienjjones – View Source
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Wow, great shot and great bit of observation. Don’t mess with ravens.
“You wouldn’t believe what Steve said to Bob the other day.”
They’re friends. What are you talking about op.
I’ve seen this ongoing challenge for a few weeks in my neighborhood too. the only birds not afraid of the hawks.
“I’ll just see myself out”
“You don’t have to go home but you can’t stay here.”
Been seeing ravens in Massachusetts where they’ve been gone since basically the 1800’s.
A raven and a hawk fly into a bar.
Raven 1-1 to unidentified red tail: you have entered restricted airspace. Turn to heading 180 and drop to angels 3. Comply immediately, or you will be fired upon.
Ravens are very territorial.
Quoth the Raven, “Here’s the door”