Friday, March 14All That Matters

Rarest PSP Game Ever: Hilton Ultimate Team Play – Rare Obscure or Retro – Rerez


  • Imagine your parents threatening to kick you out of the house because you don’t have a job and all you do is play video games all day. You finally get the courage to apply for jobs, interview, and get hired at the Hilton next to the highway. You get dressed up for your first shift, head into your new place of work, and get handed a PSP and are told to go home and play this video game to learn the ropes. You get home, sit on the couch and start playing the PSP. Your mom is crying in the Kitchen, and your father is secretly loading a shotgun behind your back. The Hilton Family.

  • I remember seeing a video about a similar rare game for McDonald’s training that was developed for the Nintendo DS.

    Did companies really think that they could train people on handheld video game systems?

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