Rail Baron was disconnected in the 70’s and I have one that’s in amazing condition. Best board game ever made
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Rail Baron was disconnected in the 70’s and I have one that’s in amazing condition. Best board game ever made
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Avalon Hill was a superb game creator. I had a pristine copy of CIRCVS MAXIMVS until a few years ago. I had some minor regret about selling it, but the guy who bought turned it into an amazing tabletop setup.
Ayn Rand killed railroad empires.
Many of the old box games were really amazing.
Some of my old school favorites…
Circus Maximus – a great beer and pretzels chariot racing game
Wood Ships, Iron Men – Napoleonic naval
And so many more.
I still have Panzer Leader and Starship Troopers
It looks like it’s a valuable game. Around $100 in decent condition. This one might be a bit less