Saturday, November 30All That Matters


1981- final scene from the street racing movie “King Of The Mountain”. Harry Hamlin in his raced-out Porsche Speedster Carrera vs. Dennis Hopper’s decrepit but still fast big block Corvette.

1981- final scene from the street racing movie “King Of The Mountain”. Harry Hamlin in his raced-out Porsche Speedster Carrera vs. Dennis Hopper’s decrepit but still fast big block Corvette.

1981- final scene from the street racing movie "King Of The Mountain". Harry Hamlin in his raced-out Porsche Speedster Carrera vs. Dennis Hopper's decrepit but still fast big block Corvette. View Reddit by OldCarWorshipper - View Source
Step By Step (1991-1998)

Step By Step (1991-1998)

This show was the Brady Bunch of the 90s but with an edge but still a feel good family sitcom. Cody Lambert was one of the most memorable characters on the show. When Sasha Mitchell got wrongfully terminated, it was never the same after that. Since the show’s wrapping, It’s often overlooked and not recognized as the other tgif classics like Boy Meets World, Full House, Family Matters, Perfect Strangers, and Sabrina the Teenage Witch, etc. R.I.P. Suzanne Somers View Reddit by CamelProfessional847 - View Source