R.L. Burnside performing ‘Poor Boy a Long Way From Home’ in 1978. As an advanced guitar player like myself, no one will ever sound like this because the soul that comes out of this is amazing.
R.L. Burnside performing ‘Poor Boy a Long Way From Home’ in 1978. As an advanced guitar player like myself, no one will ever sound like this because the soul that comes out of this is amazing.
byu/Livid_Fan_4616 inOldSchoolCool
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Lead, Bass, drumming with his foot – what a musician
I read while he was performing through the years/decades he was a taxi driver – is true?
If you love RL, Look into Mississippi Fred McDowell and follow that musical path wherever it goes. raw musicality with power and soul deeper than anything I’ve heard before.
Weird flex
Not an advanced player myself, but I’ve noticed that there are some musicians that are great technicians and can do everything, but they still don’t quite sound like some of these masters. There has to be some kind of scientific explanation for it.
He also has one of the most badass quotes I’ve ever heard, when asked by a judge if he intended to kill the man he shot. Paraphrased: “I just shot him in the head, him dying was between him and god”.
I’m still listening to Hang my jumper on the line! What a musician
I love both shows but the wire is a far more cerebral show tackling lots of complex societal issues. So I would imagine that contributes to deeper comments.
Not sure if anyone caught the lyrics, by chance?
Gene Simmons once said the same thing about Ace Frehley. After Ace left the band, KISS could essentially pick whatever lead guitar player they wanted, and at one point had a guy who laid claim to being the fastest guitar player in the world.
Gene liked Ace better because Ace had “it”.
Granted, Gene apparently slept with Ace’s wife, so maybe he was trying to be nice to save face…
It’s Bad You Know
What an amazing sound!
If you like his sound as well as odd mixes, check out some of the stuff on his album come on it. It’s an interesting mix of electronic and blues. I found it to be great listening.
Let my baby ride. Baaadass!
I saw him live in the mid 90’s when he was touring with JSBX. His grandson was playing drums for him and there was one other guitar player; this skinny white dude playing a flying V. They were incredible; he put off more energy than most punk bands who usually played that venue.
Just a man, a small Amp, and his guitar. That’s raw. That’s real. That’s great music.
In a field with a beat up amp yet sounds like a million dollars.
Doesn’t matter how advanced a player you are. You can only sound like you. Forget trying to be someone else. It isn’t going to happen.
Where can one buy a shirt like this?
I saw him a couple years before he passed, he started calling for his grandbaby in the middle of the set, saying how much he loved his grandbaby, someone brings him out a doll from the wings, he unscrews the doll’s head and takes a long drink.
“As an advanced guitar player like myself”…
Lmao. Thanks for the laugh op.
I don’t know anything about music theory or whatever, but I love how he gets so much from so little. It’s just the one riff and the one type of break from it, but it’s still so good.
Love that voice, but kind of a boring song for me tbh.
Why does music make people so cringe?
Stellar camera work Lol.
As an advanced shirt wearer myself there is no way I could ever look as badass cool as RL in that shirt.
The Black Keys did a decent album of his songs
Is the full version of this video available somewhere ?
Any idea what he’s got on the fretboard between the nut and the first fret? Is it maybe some paper or something to mute the open strings a bit?
I love this. Great sound. Awesome guitar.
He’s so damn good..
I loved seeing his family in the background. They all looked sick of him lol. Cool follow up…. He did do a nice performance of this I think with a band that’s on YouTube.
Thanks for this OP.
All the way home – Spinal Tap
What does the second sentence of your post mean? There is no need to mention calling yourself an advanced player and pat yourself on the back just to justify complimenting another guitarist’s playing.
He’s got a bunch of other songs!Its Bad You Know!
He does jumper hangin on the line in this little set roo,it’s amazing
Here to ruin the 69 comment count
“I’ll tell you a little something about the Blues. It’s not enough to just know which notes to play, you’ve got to know WHY they need to be played.” -George Carlin
That soul you hear in this, in BB King, In Muddy and the Wolf, in Lightnin and Elmore, is because they knew why. They didn’t just play the blues, they lived it. It was all around them.
You can’t buy that. You can’t fake that. RL was dripping with it.
Hang on, just got to focus on that AMAZING bunch of berries for a minute.
Plenty of folks come close to the sound, JD Simo does some great hill country stuff for example. Get yourself a cheap peavey amp and a pawn shop guitar and put those “advanced” skillzzz to the test.
Guitar play here isn’t particularly exceptional, although his vocals and command over multiple instrumental sounds is. See Jerry Garcia for some far more impressive guitar play that is of similar tone