December 12, 2022 by robotshavenohearts2 [ad_1] PS5 in the dark. [ad_2] View Reddit by robotshavenohearts2 – View Source
Since i bought black case-blends for the ps5, it looks really sick. They are cheap, installed in like 2 minutes and everything looks as it should from the very beginning. December 12, 2022 at 1:04 pm Reply
When your console design is so utterly hideous that the only way to make it look cool is to turn off the lights. December 12, 2022 at 8:39 pm Reply
Damn I read spread read “piss in the dark” while scrolling with lit up gymuide lights and I didn’t know what to expect. December 12, 2022 at 8:57 pm Reply
I hate how colorful the PS5 and controller are. Just let me play games, I don’t need a damn light show. December 12, 2022 at 9:56 pm Reply
I used to think the ps5 looked dumb, but it’s deffinatly grown on me after owning one for 12 months. Still wish they were black. December 13, 2022 at 12:09 am Reply
This looks like a frame from a movie intro
Could make a sick wallpaper outta this
Damn can’t wait for the PS5 release
Great picture!
The only time it’s looked good.
Huh it looks better when you can’t see it
Dude this is art. Excellent shot!
Since i bought black case-blends for the ps5, it looks really sick. They are cheap, installed in like 2 minutes and everything looks as it should from the very beginning.
Reminds me of halos sword or smh (real cool btw)
The design is really good.
As an Xbox player myself, this does look very nice.
Looks like an ad.
I love it.
When your console design is so utterly hideous that the only way to make it look cool is to turn off the lights.
Damn I read spread read “piss in the dark” while scrolling with lit up gymuide lights and I didn’t know what to expect.
Is it gonna sing bohemian rhapsody?
I hate how colorful the PS5 and controller are. Just let me play games, I don’t need a damn light show.
I get strong duel of the fates from phantom menace vibes.
I used to think the ps5 looked dumb, but it’s deffinatly grown on me after owning one for 12 months. Still wish they were black.
you’re boutta stub your toe on the bastard I just know it