Proud father moment
Proud father moment from funny
View Reddit by underthecouchstudio – View Source
Proud father moment
Proud father moment from funny
View Reddit by underthecouchstudio – View Source
My daughter did the same thing lol always a proud dad moment.
The king has chosen
Good boy!
My daughter does this all the time. Makes me proud.
So sweet. Don’t take it to heart. The may say Da first but they love their moms!
I like how he even go prepared before he said it.
Why lands a private video with a baby on Reddit?
Nothing special here dads.
For a baby, the D sound and T sound are the easiest sounds to make and therefore da-da is spoken first more often than ma-ma. Just a physio thing regarding muscle strength around the mouth.
For the M sound, you need lip strength to press them together which babies *will* acquire from breast feeding, but D you can do with an open mouth and a small amount of tongue movement.
I like the way he thought apt it. The wheels were turning for sure. He’s going to be a smart one.
My 2 year old son says Mom and Dad indiscriminately now.. but lately when we ask him to say momma, he just pats his momma’s boobs and goes “BOOBY.. I’m sure the daycare workers know by now that my son is, in fact, a boob man..
The look on her face!
I don’t think I even made the top 5 for either damn kid…
might just be having a hard time figuring out mmm