In the mission itself you walk straight up to the President and shoot him in front of all his guards. Then you run around the block, hide behind a trash can until your wanted level disappears and walk right back to the WH like nothing happened.
hahaha this reminds me of the NCR in Fallout New Vegas.
1st mission: Go do a simple fetch quest.
2nd mission: Go kill Mr. House.
Woman, did you just seriously ask me, a petty independent contractor that you’re paying minimum wage, to go kill the most powerful man in the region?. Something your ENTIRE ARMY has not been able to do for years?!?!?!
Reversed in Vampire Bloodlines, where you have the option to trick an NPC into trying to kill the president in order to cure his vampirism. If you do this he’s never seen again and his friends get mad at you.
Far Cry
Then I proceed to do 55 side quests while the main mission to assassinate the president remains inactive
Red dead 2 would be the only game where that would be accurate payment I suppose.
Every rockstar game
In the mission itself you walk straight up to the President and shoot him in front of all his guards. Then you run around the block, hide behind a trash can until your wanted level disappears and walk right back to the WH like nothing happened.
Lizard person confirmed.
Panicked running and screaming, “Do I know you?!” after lightly bumping into a bench, too.
Just The Elder Scrolla things
Why is Colin Jost in this game?
[You’re not allowed to say that!](
hahaha this reminds me of the NCR in Fallout New Vegas.
1st mission: Go do a simple fetch quest.
2nd mission: Go kill Mr. House.
Woman, did you just seriously ask me, a petty independent contractor that you’re paying minimum wage, to go kill the most powerful man in the region?. Something your ENTIRE ARMY has not been able to do for years?!?!?!
I was like “No thanks, I’m good, buh-bye”.
Time to learn spin
Meanwhile you can sell secret service guns you found as loot for 3k.
Ok.. I thought this was footage of someone walking into the water. Is this a cgi person edited into footage of real water? Is the whole thing cgi?
Orange Cassidy level of not giving a fuck
What game is this?
*Under the Skin soundtrack intensifies*
obscure game here, but that elf mfer in the warband mod Perisno be like “yeah just capture Elintor”
Going to look for Jar Jar I see…
Reversed in Vampire Bloodlines, where you have the option to trick an NPC into trying to kill the president in order to cure his vampirism. If you do this he’s never seen again and his friends get mad at you.
Go Go Gadget Snorkle!
Oh boy he’s going
oh i thought it was just florida
seems legit!
“There, I killed the US President for you.”
“The US..? I meant the president of our chess club!”
Water reflection: Level 100
Water Viscosity: Level 0
Godzilla, at the end of every one of his movies.
where’s this one from? GTA or hitman maybe?
edit: found it, pga2k. let’s be fair, the dev focus goes into the physics
Who’s more insane, the guy offering 100 bucks for magnicide or the dude that says “yeah, sure, I’ll do it”?
Gimme the beat boys and free my soul
I wonder if this is the same room where the player is told to look for the invisible treasure,
What’s this meme please?
Is it from a golf game or something?
How Colin Jost gets to work from Staten Island