Saturday, August 24All That Matters

POW mugshot of Pop Pop- He was a B17 bombardier with the 385th during WWII. His plane, The Mary Ellen III, was shot down on Dec 11th, 1943 and he was in the Dulag Luft 1 until the Russians freed the camp in 1945. He passed 15 years ago.

POW mugshot of Pop Pop- He was a B17 bombardier with the 385th during WWII. His plane, The Mary Ellen III, was shot down on Dec 11th, 1943 and he was in the Dulag Luft 1 until the Russians freed the camp in 1945. He passed 15 years ago.

POW mugshot of Pop Pop- He was a B17 bombardier with the 385th during WWII. His plane, The Mary Ellen III, was shot down on Dec 11th, 1943 and he was in the Dulag Luft 1 until the Russians freed the camp in 1945. He passed 15 years ago.

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