Friday, February 14All That Matters

Poster for the 1954 western film Cattle Queen of Montana, which is shown to be playing at the theater in Marty’s hometown in Back to the Future (1985). It’s…something, to say the least.


Poster for the 1954 western film Cattle Queen of Montana, which is shown to be playing at the theater in Marty’s hometown in Back to the Future (1985). It’s…something, to say the least.


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  • For those who don’t know, Barbara Stanwyck actually did a lot of these action roles back in the day. Before Carrie Fisher or Sigourney Weaver, she was arguably Hollywood’s top action heroine.

  • Let me tell you something about Barbara Stanwyck.

    I was stuck in a remote location one day with (gasp) antenna TV only. I got like 3 channels, one of which played nothing but old westerns. Score!

    So here’s Barbara Stanwyck running a quiet little missionary in the southwest, when a group of poor indigenous people come along in need of refuge.

    She takes them in.

    Not long after, a gang of desperados arrive and make clear they want to get in there and start a-rapin’ as soon as possible.

    I sat up a bit at this point because I didn’t remember old westerns being that dark.

    They offer to let Barbara go. This is a dozen armed men against one 60 year old woman.

    She responds by cocking her Winchester rifle, telling them to go to hell, and starts blasting.

    She then goes full John ~~Rambo~~ Wayne on their asses and lays waste to the gang.

    It was fucking epic.

    I was disappointed to learn that the rest of the show was *nothing* like this.

    The next episode was a dispute about owning too many cows. They were like hey, sell some of them, and he was like ok. Somehow they filled 50 minutes with that

    But yea, Barbara Stanwyck was the original action hero.

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