Friday, March 14All That Matters

Post Malone speaks differently than I would’ve imagined


  • Sadly the people interviewing him aren’t quite on the level. He has meaningful and insightful things to say and they are all like “yeah man I used to smoke weed and get high all the time, hyuk hyuk” while Mr. Malone is discussing laced-weed inducing depersonalization – they don’t even know what the fuck he’s talking about.

  • I wonder if it’s more likely that he just had a panic attack from smoking which induced extreme paranoia and lead him to believe it was laced. Definitely know what he’s talking about with the depersonalization/dissociation accompanied by intense anxiety/depression. Mine was induced from abusing alcohol for years, went to work hungover and about asked for an ambulance because I legitimately thought I was having a heart attack.

  • I am in a similar boat. I used to smoke every single day, especially during college. I had mild anxiety issues and I would benefit from smoking it (in addition to just enjoying the fun of it).

    But something happened since then, where being high would cause me even more anxiety, paranoia, and overall insecurity. Can’t really place my thumb on if it was just 1 bad experience, but I really feel what Post is saying and unfortunately it doesn’t seem like those other guys are on the same page of understanding.

  • Depersonalization is why I quit weed, and other drugs. I went through a few years where I had a mental break from doing drugs, and ended up in and out of mental hospitals. The way I felt on weed was as he describes. Like I was watching a movie… an out of body experience. To me if felt like extreme anxiety attacks, where I was unable to talk much, or function. My body felt numb, and I just kinda melted where I was sitting.

    I started doing lots of benzos, painkillers, coke and liquor to combat that feeling, which stayed with me even when I wasn’t high. It was just like a horrible dream, and it took years for me to get back to normal. I haven’t been high or drunk in over 10 years now, and that’s helped to keep me stable.

  • I’ve had the same experience with drugs and depersonalization syndrome. I never thought I would see someone else describe it so well, let alone Post Malone. 🙂

  • I bet you someone gave him spice, that synthetic weed shit.

    That shit messes some people up.

    My friend had the same reaction he did. Its basically a panic attack. He was on the floor thinking the world was collapsing. Then he wanted to take a shower. Then he needed to get out of the shower. Then he laid on the floor breathing heavily talking to the cats. Then he wanted back in the shower. He eventually went the er and they gave him some other drug to bring him down.

    He was ok the next day, just tired.

    He has anxiety and depression issues before this, then after it got a little worse and then the depersonalization started.

    DP can freak you out if you don’t know what it is because you start to question life and if you are in a dream. That movie inception scared the shit out of him because the way his wife died thinking she was in a dream but was in fact in the real world. It made him think that maybe he was dreaming all of this. His entire life. Also, kind of like that episode of TNG where picard lives that whole life in a matter of min.

    But once he read about DP and how it works it made things better. Because now it had a name and the things that cause it. Anxiety makes it worse etc.

    Not he just reminds himself that its just a feeling he has from time to time, like having bad gas or something.

    Thinking like that dulls the effects massively.

    I think it also has to do with him being such an over thinker or and extremely deep thinker. Not that hes smart, its just that he takes some random thought and add dimensions to it. Like if someone gave you blue playdoh, you’d think cool, blue playdoh. But he would take it and mold it into a dinosaur that had a whole backstory with a family and shit.

  • He’s describing a derealization/depersonalization episode. It happens out of the blue and can start a life long journey of anxiety for people. Weed can be a trigger.

    Edit: lol, i stopped to comment before he mentioned it by name

  • This really drove home the point for me that all the money and fame and things people dream of still don’t stop you from feeling regular people’s problems. I know some people still believe money can fix everything but here we are.

    I’ve never listened to his music or heard him speak before but I respect his openness about his anxiety.

    As someone who suffered greatly in the past with anxiety and still have bouts of it off and on. It’s somewhat comforting when other people speak about their anxiety because it helps take away the feeling of loneliness that anxiety can bring.

  • I worked at a restaurant he ate at and he was cool as hell and really nice. We ended up smoking together with his crew and me and my boss at the end of service . His shit was strong. I remember not being able to count money after to close out the day.

  • I met Post in Vegas at a Gwen Stefani show. I was on my way to the bathroom, hammered drunk in a pink Hawaiian shirt and walked by Post at his seat on the way. I held out a timid fist bump and made eye contact… he jumped out of his seat (literally) to bump it and even said hello and asked how I was enjoying the show for a quick second before I went on my way, trying to be considerate to not take too much of his time.

    1. He was super nice
    2. He smelled great (I guess people say he smells bad?)

    Edit: A word

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