Polar bear toe nail cool, my granddad Jack, the test pilot for the B-58 supersonic bomber. Circa 1958
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Polar bear toe nail cool, my granddad Jack, the test pilot for the B-58 supersonic bomber. Circa 1958
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Wow – iceman cool
“Jack”. A man’s man.
Bet he never read Playboy
Ya got a stick of gum..ill pay ya back later..
He had the ‘right stuff’
It’s like the opening scenes in ‘The Right Stuff’
Can you believe this was just 13 years after World War II? The technology development of the late 1940s and 1950s never ceases to stun me.
Between 1956 and 1962, Convair built a total of 116 B-58 Hustlers. Today, there are still eight aircraft remaining.
nice outkast reference.
Nuclear bombers are the coolest…
I straight up do not believe anything on this sub especially this one