March 10, 2023 by digitalcowpie [ad_1] Plus : it’s comfy Plus : it’s comfy from gaming [ad_2] View Reddit by digitalcowpie – View Source
I’m doing this with Tales of Berseria right now. I’m too deep in to not finish it. March 10, 2023 at 5:07 pm Reply
I wish I could share my hobbie with my wife but the only games that could pique her interest were The Beginners Guide and Firewatch March 10, 2023 at 9:02 pm Reply
Happens to me a lot. I tend to get tired of games quickly, but get attached to stories really fast. March 11, 2023 at 6:44 am Reply
Not entirely subpar, but Nier Replicant. Still either my 4th or 5th favorite game tho, can’t choose between it and Automata March 11, 2023 at 10:23 pm Reply
Submissive Male Gang
Cat about to fall asleep. Cute.
I wish I had a cuddly cat. Instead I got an ornery bag of claws.
Oh, were we not talking about The Last of Us?
A plague tales
I’m doing this with Tales of Berseria right now. I’m too deep in to not finish it.
English isn’t my native language, what’s subpar gameplay?
Cat, and sweater goals.
The cat looks way too invested tho
Literally xenoblade 1
I wish I could share my hobbie with my wife but the only games that could pique her interest were The Beginners Guide and Firewatch
Remember Me great story bad gameplay
Happens to me a lot. I tend to get tired of games quickly, but get attached to stories really fast.
Happened to me with Vampyre, such a boring game
I want to be a cat
Ahhhhhhhhhhh yep
what is subpar ?
God of war
Not entirely subpar, but Nier Replicant. Still either my 4th or 5th favorite game tho, can’t choose between it and Automata