When you got the seed, the first thing to do is obviously run off to do the next thing, but as you run you drop the stone, and dropping it right in front of you mean exactly that.
I found one looking for his friend last night near Hateno Beach, where you can create a cart with a fan and battery to go down the hill. Well, the drive wasn’t the smoothest, ended up tumbling down the hill and the cart flipped all the way across the water, couldn’t find it again… that gave me quite a chuckle, even though I lost the opportunity for another seed 🤣
“ I need to reach my friend”
Best I can give you a free rocket ride to the moon.
I hate these little fuckers. I accept they are a reward for curiosity , but the whole “yahaha”
and the dance from the big guy. I don’t know, I create something deep inside me.
All the time, button spam is the bane of koroks
I also purposefully do it every time
A lil seed.. right..
I’ve done it then used recall to have it come up and hit it again. It’s amusing.
I actually really enjoy the noise they make
Every. Time.
Did it once by accident; felt horrible; apologized to the NPC. Now I turn and throw the rock to the side.
You dumb enough to hide under a rock that I’m dumb enough to pick up, you’re getting put right the hell back under it. Yah haaa!
lol all the time!!!
They were mean to Hestu. So I bonk them every time.
*ya ha ha!*
I do it accidentally. A lot
Some of the places they end up being are definitely deserving of a bonk from the rock I picked up by mistake while running for my life.
Other times I definitely do this just to hear the “oof”.
Edit: I am a monster
Think these guys are invincible. I accidentally yeeted one off a tall cliff trying to help him reach his friend, and he was unharmed.
You are not alone sir
I’m usually hammering on B, so… at least 50% of the time
Constantly. Just happens if you immediately start sprinting ^^
Of course not! I absolutely do this! Especially when I’m looking for lizards or frogs under the rocks only to get that little shit.
Every time. Screw them for making us search for them all!
You’re not the only one who does this
Really wish there was a way to cancel the item pop-up for the collectibles.
Also, I wish they’d pick a cancel button. Sometimes it’s B, sometimes it’s X, sometimes it’s X followed by +… just pick one for fuck’s sake.
Every. Time. I chuckle everytime as well
I live for it!
Sometimes on accident, mostly on purpose.
I usually go out of my way to find a rock to donk them with if they weren’t under one and I feasibly can
throwing the rock takes longer!
All the time. Sometimes, it’s an accident.
I do this but out of accident, everytime.
When you got the seed, the first thing to do is obviously run off to do the next thing, but as you run you drop the stone, and dropping it right in front of you mean exactly that.
I used to in Breath of the Wild, but I avoid them now. Felt bad for the little dudes.
I found one looking for his friend last night near Hateno Beach, where you can create a cart with a fan and battery to go down the hill. Well, the drive wasn’t the smoothest, ended up tumbling down the hill and the cart flipped all the way across the water, couldn’t find it again… that gave me quite a chuckle, even though I lost the opportunity for another seed 🤣
Did this each timer in BotW, and also in beginning of TotK. Now I just prefer to yeet it with ultra hand.
This is the way
You should see what happens to the ones you can strap rockets to.
Did it enough times for the Koroks to stop saying “Yahaha, you found me” and start saying “Oh god no, you found me”
All the time intentionally
“ I need to reach my friend”
Best I can give you a free rocket ride to the moon.
I hate these little fuckers. I accept they are a reward for curiosity , but the whole “yahaha”
and the dance from the big guy. I don’t know, I create something deep inside me.
Every. Single. Time.
Every. Time.
This is the only right thing to do. Finding 1000 of those annoying pricks should be enough excuse.
Tears of the Koroks
Well now I’m just baffled.
I knew you made this before I saw the name… and for the life of me I don’t know what tipped me off.
Body proportions? Definitely not. Line work… maybe? Link’s eyes? Maybe…