Planned obsolescence in one picture
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Planned obsolescence in one picture
View Reddit by SjalabaisWoWS – View Source
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hOw dArE YoU sAY AnYtHiNg bAd aBoUt cApItaLIsM!
What am I even looking at?
I don’t think ‘planned obsolescence’ [means](https://mobile-dictionary.reverso.net/en/english-definition/disposable+commodity#:~:text=pl%20n%20consumer%20goods%20that,%2C%20newspapers%2C%20clothes%2C%20etc.) what you think it means.
It’s true.
When light bulbs first hit the market all the manufacturers were trying to improve the service life.
Then after a few years they started working to shorten the service life to a predictable time span so they could sell more of them.
I think a more egregious example of planned obsolescence is American truck manufacturers that still refuse to treat the metal they build trucks out of. My Audi has lived in the New England it’s entire 15 years and is essentially rust free, while I see American trucks with literal holes in them after only 6-7 years.