Friday, October 25All That Matters

Plagiarism and You(Tube)

Plagiarism and You(Tube)

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  • Troggie42

    beautiful that he hath returned, this is a very interesting vid, too (saw the first half from patreon, can’t wait to get to the second half after seeing what he tweaked in the first half before release)


  • lordofthepotat0

    Internet Historian being a plagiarist is somehow completely unsurprising tbh

    e: Somerton plagiarizing one of his Patreon patrons is insane behavior.

  • FkinShtManEySuck

    The year is 2092 and with his dying breath Harris Michael Brewis uploads his final video. His fans gather to solemnly watch his last work. It is one continuous week long.

  • Barmy90

    Okay this is great and all, I’m sure it’s a very important topic in its own right, but what does it have to do with the famous Roblox OOF sound, created solely by Tommy Tallarico for the game Roblox in collaboration with Shigeru Miyamoto, his mother is very proud???

  • FantasyInSpace

    I know that getting aggressive on the social media is not the right move, but if I was one of the creatives who were stolen from and had to watch my work get used to fund some other dude’s patreon, I’d seriously want to fight.

  • CDNChaoZ

    How was I completely enraptured by a nearly 4 hour video about creators I have no knowledge of?

    His commitment to take the revenue from this video to distribute to those that have been ripped off is inspiring.

    Hopefully this video gains legs and really makes a difference in curbing YouTube plagiarism (and use of things like ChatGPT).

  • [deleted]

    Imagine being the first 4 subjects of the video, getting absolutely roasted but not even being the main topic of the video. You’re just getting stepped on for the real dunk.

    e: I memory holed one of them it was 4 not 3

  • SCAR-H_Chain

    It bums me out about James Somerton because he’s made some videos that really interested me, especially his one on Killing Stalking. On the other hand, glad Internet Historian and the people he attracts got put on a lowlight.

  • SomeCatsMoreCats

    What’s interesting to me is how hard these folks work to try to hide their plagiarism from their audience, when it’s perfectly clear their audience would not care even a tiny little bit.

  • IWishIWasIn4chan

    Yea, this kills the whole thing with Internet Historian for me. Harris might’ve only thought he found one hence why he didn’t get multiple examples like Illuminaughti or Filip Miucin did, but he’s been privating a lot of his Game Explain videos from his other channel for reasons he isn’t explaining so the Cave Story situation might actually just be the tip of the iceberg.

  • ChingaderaRara

    A bit surprised by Somerton, didnt expected him to be so blatant about it.

    Personally I started having some weird vibes when he did that sob video about his patreon earnings dropping by half while never showing a screenshot of those earnings, which i tough was weird specially when it should be really easy to check, since Patreon gives the option to straight up show how much money you are getting monthly on the platform. (Unless they took that option away).

    Anyway, im glad i trusted my instinct and didnt suscribe to him.

  • IWishIWasIn4chan

    Development: As a response to people referencing Hbomberguy’s video in the comments on Internet Historian’s latest video, they’ve now claimed that Lucas Reilly of Mental Floss deserves to be plagiarized because he’s, to quote, a “*rich white boy*” and how his fans are claiming that he should get a pass because he’s “*a funny guy*”.

  • chum-guzzling-shark

    I should have known Internet historian was an alt right dude since YouTube always recommended him. Man in cave is the first video I’ve watched, I loved it and subscribed. Thought he was just a bit of an edgelord but otherwise entertaining.

  • hotsizzler

    I watched Somerton alot, started disliking him when he started saying shit like that gay people shouldn’t associate or be part of a society woth stroght people.

  • heyman-

    I love that there’s so much rather on the nose plagiarism that we don’t even get to what’s basically plagiarism (or at the very least lame content repackaging) from really popular big name youtubers like Coldfusion. So silly seeing the latest HBO doc turned into a youtube video over and over.

    Karl Jobst deserves an honorable mention for often rehashing other youtuber’s videos and using their clips.

  • Shahars71

    It’s honestly a shame about Internet Historian. That video was fucking great, and his animations and VO added so much to the story being told. If he just credited the article that he copied for it, this would’ve still been fine. I can totally accept a dramatic reading of a really fucking good article about an historical event.

  • nagrom7

    Putting all the plagiarism stuff to the side for a minute, I’m glad we actually got a follow-up to the anti-vax video where Brian Deer actually said that there was in fact a noticeable bump in his book sales that coincided with the video, just like Harris wanted.

  • ChrisRR

    2 hours in and I realise Harris has tricked me into watching a YouTube drama video.

    I still watched all the way to the end but still…

  • Eddyoshi

    I was a huge fan of James. Watched his streams, even donated to his patreon since he had a big scare that he was going to go broke. So to get to the big twist, and turns out its all about him, was crushing. But good to hear. Was just stolen all the way down, was since the beginning, and still is to this day. Needless to say, unsubbed and canceled my membership. Truly, truly scummy behaviour by him.

    Not to mention in case anyone cares, the only way you can see is response is if you are a patron. His first response was made like 3 hours after the video was up (so before he could even finish watching it) and basically was him saying “Some YTer made a video on me. Its all false, I already addressed all this stuff.” and when people rightfully hated that response, he made another one later saying he was “In a bad headspace”.

  • whitestar11

    The first story reminds me of an incident in the 90s with writer J. Michael Straczinski, Star Trek Deep Space Nine and Babylon 5. He ultimately decided to drop the matter and both series were excellent. Weirdly he might be responsible for two deeply loved franchises even though he only worked on one of them.

  • Maloonyy

    Funny how Luke Stephens says HBomberguy needs more testosterone, when Hbomberguy has a full beard and is going bald, you know, things caused by too much testosterone? Maybe Luke is projecting.

  • DoubleTFan

    The most attention I as a person ever got online was when Youtuber GradeAUnderA got in a spat with Matthew Santoro and it turned out Santoro plagiarized a lot, including my stuff which GradeAUnderA cited and credited me by name in his callout video.

    Now I don’t know how many people even remember who either of those two are.

  • We-had-a-hedge

    This is entirely besides the point(s) from nearly 4 hours of video… but it bugs me we’ll never find out which joke it was hbomberguy got stolen in that Uber. I mean, it must have been pretty funny.

  • Second-Bulk

    One of the best YouTube videos I’ve ever watched. Only ever watched anything remotely as lengthy before which was Some More News dissection of Jordan Peterson.

    This was fascinating and worrying to watch.
    How many blatant plagiarists are having enormous success right now on YouTube?

    Feels like this is a teeny tiny tip of the iceberg.

  • Eddy_795

    Internet Historian just made a new upload a couple hours after this video. Wouldn’t surprise me if it was a panic thing to draw attention away from this video.

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