Today I just listened to the Bandsplain podcast episode on PJ Harvey after not know anything about her, so this this post feels very Baader–Meinhofy to me
Makes me think of the first Lilith Faire concert. My buddy dragged me there (he was a sucker for any female vocalist who made him a little sad). The female/male ratio of the crowd was as dramatic as anything I’d experienced. Once we got used to sharing the bathroom with everyone
regardless of the sign on the door and not needing to be constantly ready to fight the person next to you it was great. Being tall made us feel a little guilty, though. I got introduced to some amazing performers.
By year 2 it had gone mostly mainstream and the audience was back to “normal”.
Met all three of these ladies, (different shows of course). The only one that was a funny story was PJ. She was headlining and Sparklehorse was opening, and she comes up behind me while they’re playing and asks, “What’d you think of these guys?”
I turn around, and I see this petite woman with a very high British voice, and I think, “How cute. She’s dressed up like PJ”. I told her she ‘looked so authentic. Great job.’ and she looked at me for a second, laughed, and said, “It’s because I am authentic!”
Turns out it was PJ, and we had a decent conversation, (yelling in each others ear over the music), for about twenty minutes.
Tori Amos was my first genuine respect crush. Even as overheated, sex obsessed teen, my hazy Tori fantasies were all about her playing piano for me and saying nice things about my poetry.
Outstanding musicians. Although I was never personally into Bjork. PJ Harvey was definitely my favorite of the three. *Dry; Rid Of This; To Bring You My Love; Stories From the City…; White Chalk,* were all outstanding albums.
Love them
Some of the best
PJ’s got the best music of the three, end of.
Damn I need to check out PJ Harvey. Don’t recall her but she seems to be in good company
The holy trinity
Real music.
Today I just listened to the Bandsplain podcast episode on PJ Harvey after not know anything about her, so this this post feels very Baader–Meinhofy to me
Tori Amos puts on a kick ass live show.
All awesome music!
Was this from a magazine article?
Indie version of “Charmed”
The 90s were amazing
Makes me think of the first Lilith Faire concert. My buddy dragged me there (he was a sucker for any female vocalist who made him a little sad). The female/male ratio of the crowd was as dramatic as anything I’d experienced. Once we got used to sharing the bathroom with everyone
regardless of the sign on the door and not needing to be constantly ready to fight the person next to you it was great. Being tall made us feel a little guilty, though. I got introduced to some amazing performers.
By year 2 it had gone mostly mainstream and the audience was back to “normal”.
Is this 90s indie artist FMK?
God, these were good good days ♡♡♡
fuck. what is it about bjork
I adore Tori Amos! Thank you for the good memories!
Yes, yes, and oh yes.
Bjork is almost 30 in this pic and she looks 12
So THAT’S Tori Amos? Damn, she’s cute.
Im done.
The holy trinity of 90s crushes for boys that reckon they’re not like other guys.
Three amazing song writers and performers.
These ladies got me through my teens.
The unstoppable, I-have-daddy-issues trio of the 90s. Probly stopped a generation of teenage girls from offing themselves. We’ll done, ladies 🤘
OMG…I love PJ! Haven’t thought about her in a bit. Time to revisit Dry and To Bring You My Love!
A trifecta of ultimate hotness! Forever.
I’m seeing tori tomorrow! Excited af!
Met all three of these ladies, (different shows of course). The only one that was a funny story was PJ. She was headlining and Sparklehorse was opening, and she comes up behind me while they’re playing and asks, “What’d you think of these guys?”
I turn around, and I see this petite woman with a very high British voice, and I think, “How cute. She’s dressed up like PJ”. I told her she ‘looked so authentic. Great job.’ and she looked at me for a second, laughed, and said, “It’s because I am authentic!”
Turns out it was PJ, and we had a decent conversation, (yelling in each others ear over the music), for about twenty minutes.
PJ Harvey is a goddess.
The women of 90’s rock and alternative were pretty epic.
Tori Amos was my first genuine respect crush. Even as overheated, sex obsessed teen, my hazy Tori fantasies were all about her playing piano for me and saying nice things about my poetry.
the holy trinity of alternative
Sometimes I miss weird 90s hair. Loved doing that nonsense with my hair.
Bjork, childhood crush.
Outstanding musicians. Although I was never personally into Bjork. PJ Harvey was definitely my favorite of the three. *Dry; Rid Of This; To Bring You My Love; Stories From the City…; White Chalk,* were all outstanding albums.
This is just beautiful.
They are three Muses.
My soul just time warped.
Hangin’ with the raisin girls.
All 3 are uniquely amazing. I love that they are friendly with each other. All genius!
Definitely never considered these chicks cool but that’s just me, bazaar yes!
Those sweaters were so soft. Angora maybe? All the pretty girls seemed to have them in 94.
The holy trinity of 90s female alternative singers.
Great year for music!
If the freshman year of college wasn’t an overall gut scream…