Percy Jackson and The Olympians | Official Teaser Trailer | Disney+ | December 20
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Percy Jackson and The Olympians | Official Teaser Trailer | Disney+ | December 20
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This series could work really well as a TV show. Just the way it is written is very episodic and with very fun characters
Glad they are doing it and looks great so far!
Riptide as the bgm is too funny. They saw their chance and took it!
Can’t wait
The good thing about this show is that actors are of similar age to their book characters, the movie ones were somewhat older and it didn’t work.
I am pretty much down for any YA fantasy series so I will be checking it out for sure.
12 year old me is delighted. I think this looks great but you can tell exactly what scenes use the volume, which is a bit of a bummer.
Can’t believe that it actually looks good! after waiting for so long!
my only nitpicks are the cabins designs and it seems like >!echidna threw Percy out of the the bridge instead of him choosing to flee!<
Edge being in this show is so cool
Not for me but I hope the kids bloody love it.
Im sad we’re only going to get one season of Lance Reddick, what a perfect voice and presence for that role
I think I’m gonna watch this just to see Lance Reddick again.
Honestly I’m a big fan of the books and was kind of hesitant about the show, especially because I think it would work really well animated, and nothing that had been released so far really got me excited but overall this looks good! I’m still worried that some of the visuals won’t be amazing but this has made me more optimistic.
Bah Gawd, it’s Edge! The Rated R Superstar!
She’s just what Ron Swanson said she was!
I am so fucking ready for this, I cannot wait to see a proper adaptation of this story.
Also Riptide as the background music? Genius choice.
Looks good but it looks too dark looking for me (visually speaking). Disney has a habit of darkening things up to hide bad cg and I hope that’s not the case here.
I still think this should’ve been animated.
The actual footage looks amazing and I am excited for it!! I totally get why they used riptide but it sounds so fucking goofy. They could have just gone with some awesome fantasy music and the trailer would have been loads better.
Totally not for me, but looks so colorful and sweet.
Over/under on how many seasons before this gets cancelled by Disney?
I only see Percw Jackson
Loved the books as a teen. Does anyone know the pacing like are they doing a season per book? Anyways I’m very excited about this.
I wonder if this will pave the way for other ya/ middle grade novels to be adapted. Can Artemis Fowl plz get a faithful reboot??
I hope Edge spears Percy
The story is great, but at the end of the day, I really wish the characters looked a lot like their book counterparts.
Lol here we go again with another subpar remake
Checkout Lil Drake on Spotify it’s the old Percy Jackson actor rapping 👀
I wonder if Percy is actually going to fall off The Gateway Arch or if they are going to change that.
Please don’t suck
They just can’t seem to make Annabeth a blonde can they lmao
RIP Lance Reddick.
God I miss Lance reddick, that dude was a pleasure to watch on screen, even better is he’d pop up in shows like always Sunny and aqua teen while also doing serious shit and then video games on top of it, by all accounts he was an even better person than he was an actor and he was a great actor. Growing up watching him in stuff like the wire and then seeing him in video games and all sorts of other stuff made me very fond of the guy, his death hit me harder than any celeb death I can remember in years.
Anyway I hope this show ends up being good, property has a lot of potential.
The vast majority of Disney’s offerings made for Plus have been mediocre to downright terrible.
It’s gonna take a miracle for this to be halfway decent.
13 year old me would love this. It’s been so long since I’ve read a Rick Riordan book, but I always used to love all of his shit. I don’t know if anyone is going to know what I’m talking about here, but I always preferred his series about Egyptian mythology over Percy Jackson, despite the fact that I can’t even remember what that series was called.
I hope Edge gets to see his acting career take off like the other big wrestlers. The man spent 9 years trying to get cleared come back to wrestling – he was robbed of his prime by a neck injury – and now that his age is getting up there he deserves a full run at an action career.