Pencil drawing by me. (OC)
View Reddit by fojteflon – View Source
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Pencil drawing by me. (OC)
View Reddit by fojteflon – View Source
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Most impressive. Well done.
Absolutely incredible, what true talent
Very good! He’s a cutie
I refuse to believe this is a drawing. Too good!! Well done!
Holy Moly!! Such SKILL!!
Wow. Thats an amazing piece of work. Good on you! 🌻
Wow! I love people who have talent.
Very real and awesome.
Looks like a photo, id give my left nut to be as talented as you are.
That is highly, highly impressive, and amazing! I’m the furthest thing from an artist, so when I see stuff like this I’m just in absolute awe. So incredibly good.
Absolutely incredible. Like a photo! Great job!!!
That’s ridiculous. I wrote barely legible notes for year in school with pencil. I can see every strand of hair on his head. Well done and keep it up. You have a gift.
Wow I ran threw some of your other work……. fucking awesome! Unreal how detailed you are. Do you sell your work?
The talent of some people is just so personally humiliating. I will never produce anything of that quality. That’s fantastic
Yes, this is incredibly well done.
FojTeflon…it’s a drawing
Me blinking…..BS dude
I can’t eve draw a good stick figure, you’re awesome.
It’s really fantastic
is it for real???
That’s amazing!
Wow, so real. Great drawing.
That’s a cute ass kid
i refuse to believe
No way!
😲 wow!
What a godly creative skill and talent you have
That is nothing short of incredible
Very talented ..its beautiful
W0W! That’s amazing…..
Daaaaaamn!! This is crazy good.
Wtf? Seriously? I can’t and I won’t.
Just wow
Incredible. How long did it take for this masterpiece?
You are an incredible talent. I’d happily pay to have one done or my son and daughter if that was something you’d do.
Hate to be that guy, but this drawing doesn’t look anything like a pencil..I resembles a young boy.
I see so many terrible drawings on Reddit with people desperate for positive attention.
This is truly incredible. Hats off.
If you don’t already have a great career in art – you should. And if you don’t – find out why it isn’t happening. I’d pay money for this.
Unbelievable! You got good ass talent
How do you even do that? do you copy from a photo or you have it all in your head ?
Great, fantastic, impressive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can’t even draw a straight line
Wow. Very cool
bro u aint human
I know you worked hard as fuck for this. Incredible work
Thats sweet 🙂