this would make an interesting episode of black mirror or like a 2 hour movie. 20 people in a room from various backgrounds spending their money to kill each other to try and survive. like they spend $100 to spawn a robot that will try to kill for them or something. pay to spawn a weapon.
or maybe like, instead of spending money, they have to spend a finger or a pint of blood or something like that.
If you’re having fun, ~~I hate you~~, good! We all want to have fun, and want you to have fun. These games are made deliberately grindy and disrespect your time as a free player in order to milk the whales for as much as possible. We just want games that are fun and respect your time. We want games where when someone beats you it’s because of lag, skill, or luck. Not a credit card.
Got Naruto X Boruto shinbo strikers on ps+ and that feels very p2w in the sense that a lot of the powerful jutsus for key characters are locked behind the season passes. Was stoked to go and unlock some of Hakus jutsus (my main from UNS games) to find out it was behind a pay wall.
Only because people are (quite literally) buying into it. Companies wouldn’t do it if it wasn’t working. As long as people are willing to pay the price it’s gonna continue.
An unfortunately common mindset in the gaming community. “*I haven’t noticed any problem with X, so X isn’t a problem.*”
GTA 5 online anyone?
this would make an interesting episode of black mirror or like a 2 hour movie. 20 people in a room from various backgrounds spending their money to kill each other to try and survive. like they spend $100 to spawn a robot that will try to kill for them or something. pay to spawn a weapon.
or maybe like, instead of spending money, they have to spend a finger or a pint of blood or something like that.
God damnit devs, I like this game, don’t make me pay to compete.
>We’re here to get paid. You’re free to play something else.
*Sigh* Fishes out wallet. A million games and nothing else to play.
But at least you’re going to fix hacking now, right devs?
> …
Right, devs?
Just a reminder.
If you’re having fun, ~~I hate you~~, good! We all want to have fun, and want you to have fun. These games are made deliberately grindy and disrespect your time as a free player in order to milk the whales for as much as possible. We just want games that are fun and respect your time. We want games where when someone beats you it’s because of lag, skill, or luck. Not a credit card.
“Our game costs $60, but if you pay us $20 on top of that, you can ~~avoid playing it~~ skip the grind”
Pay2win needs to stop. I don’t have a wallet
The p2w is ..Immortal
Allways has been
Got Naruto X Boruto shinbo strikers on ps+ and that feels very p2w in the sense that a lot of the powerful jutsus for key characters are locked behind the season passes. Was stoked to go and unlock some of Hakus jutsus (my main from UNS games) to find out it was behind a pay wall.
Only because people are (quite literally) buying into it. Companies wouldn’t do it if it wasn’t working. As long as people are willing to pay the price it’s gonna continue.
What do you mean “getting”?? It’s been pretty consistent for at least 15 years…
GTA V Online
Scud Disposable Robot Assassin: Heartbreaker series 1373
*This unit will self-destruct upon termination of target*
WoT in a nutshell
Then stop playing.