Paul Rudd sent Jeremy Renner Cameos to help Jeremy recover from his Snow Plow accident
Paul Rudd sent Jeremy Renner Cameos to help Jeremy recover from his Snow Plow accident
by u/Jasonnnp in funny
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I love them both
Mr Plow… is the name, that name again is Mr Plow.
Paul Rudd is so easy to love. There’s a few ppl that’re on that strange easy to love list. Jason Bateman is another. Who else?
Edit: correction and addition: Ryan Reynolds, Danny Devito, John Cena, Jason Segal,
I was hoping for that stupid clip from Mac & Me
I hope Renner had to pay for each one. Extra funny
Seeing the phone camera make Paul Rudd look like he’s got a really long face makes me feel so much better about the way I look in a camera phone.
He cant just send him a check instead?
Please rub the smudges off your lenses before you film things v.v
Remember when Jeremy Renner tried to launch a social media platform completely centered around himself? I think of that every time I see his name
I wonder if he got paid for making the video.
Real shame Renner used to beat the shit out of his girlfriends and is now being lauded as a hero.
Source: my friend dated him
Edit: I don’t care if you people believe me. I won’t say the woman because she’s a working actress now. I saw the bruises myself. Be careful who you blindly worship.
Cool Cameo ad.
Big Norm vibes from this bit. I love it
TIL Paul Rudd uses a $100 potato android phone!
Why does he look like the guy from Mask
He really reminds me of Bob Odenkirk in this for some reason
Paul Rudd definitely need my wife to see his camera and say
-how df do you even see anything through such outrageously dirty lense?
I don’t give a flying fuck about these celebrity fucks shut the fuck up
Fun fact my parents live about 5 minutes down the road from him
You know … this is good acting. Really, it is. Look at his lifeless face, that he keeps the entire time. Down to the eyes. Really well done.
Trying to make someone with broken ribs laugh. What a jerk.
I love Paul Rudd, but I hate that he is 15 years older than me and still looks 15 years younger than me.
What a dick
This Cameo will be seen by more people and get more critical claim than his last Ant-Man movie.
That’s maybe the least funny thing Paul Rudd has ever produced
LE: downvoting this means you are fuckin stupid :))))
Damn Paul’s age is finally showing. How old is he now 80?
Paul Rudd being ageless is a myth because we can clearly see in this clip that he’s a well kept man in his 50’s
Oh how nice, two super wealthy celebrities comforting each other as they conspire to destroy the Habitable Earth just lovely and heartwarming. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/carbon-footprint-wealthy-people-97-percent-cut-un/
We need to protect this man, also I can’t believe he is 54 he definitely doesn’t look like he’s in his 50s
I love Paul Rudd, but here’s the best part, HE’S CANADIAN
Cameos are the best.
HA HA HA *applause* lol
I’m sure it’s from his heart since no fucking camera on gods green earth records that muddy
What an asshole
Did he put Vaseline on the camera? Classic trick old man
I think he and Anthony Mackie were the only Marvel cast members to really reach out to Jeremy. Kinda sad if you think about it.
Did he call him Jerry instead of Jeremy?
He’s aged like a grape left out in the sun.
Why does it look like Paul Rudd just got off a 2 week cocain bender?
Is this the Soap Opera filter?
Weird parasocial relationship vibes from the people here. “He shoots an arrow in the movies I like, he couldn’t possibly be a bad guy!”
I feel like the audience is either being prompted to laugh at really odd times or someone/some group of people is just really tone deaf.
The laughing doesn’t happen anywhere it seemed like Rudd was trying to make Renner laugh in his message (“like a snowblower or something?”) they are at random other lines.
It almost comes across as insensitive.
You think being Hawkeye he would have seen it coming… Must not have 20/20 hindsight.
Did he call him Jerry at the end? *damn*
This isn’t a heartfelt message, well it may be some what genuine…
This is a commercial for cameo on a late night show posing as a heartfelt message