Paul McCartney and Yoko Ono embrace, following his “letter” to welcome John Lennon into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, 1994
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Paul McCartney and Yoko Ono embrace, following his “letter” to welcome John Lennon into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, 1994
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Nah Yoko Ono not cool at all, lady was crazy in the coconut
Not awkward looking at all!
Wants to kill her
The day Paul missed the opportunity to end her
Huh…Julian mus be standing outside of the frame.
Lennon and Ono…suck fuckin’ scumbags
She wanted to date Paul first lol
What’s really weird is that this occurred only 14 years after he died but seemed like an eternity to me. Now we’re nearly 30 years past this point in time and it feels like it just happened recently
McCartney snaps… attacks Yoko with award while Sean watches in shock. McCartney says after, ” it was a long time coming”
I absolutely love the Beatles. I have their Hey Jude Album on my record player.
Never gonna be over YO – she ruined barber shop for forever
Yoko killed john
What a car crash
Paul’s reaction looks a lot like Chuck Berry’s on the Michael Douglas Show.
The Beatles are trash
John & Yoko were just horrible people…look how they treated Julian
Am I too late to break up Wings?
“Get away from me, I don’t want you to suck me dry as well”
Did she give a speech on John’s behalf?
If so did it go along the lines of
“Ooooh aaah ah ah ah ah ah aaaaah ah ooooh ooooh oh oh oh oh oh aaah aha ah ah aaah ah ah ah ah”
Yoko? Ono!
God, Yoko fucking suuuuuuuuuuuucks
Sean is like, “*Yeah……okay, Paul…….hilarious…….now, GET OFF MY MOM !!*”
I make the same face when I’m trying to remove a tick.
Hard to tell whose the worst person in that picture, Yoko or Stephen Segal.
Clawing her way up for a kiss. (Edit: look a her fingers gripping on Paul like a ladder)
That is an awkward hug – if ever I saw one.
Love and hate all in one pic
his face looks like he’s listening to her music