Pat Carroll recording her dialogue as Ursula during a recording session for Disney’s The Little Mermaid. [1988]
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Pat Carroll recording her dialogue as Ursula during a recording session for Disney’s The Little Mermaid. [1988]
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Interesting how even though her expression is menacing, you can still tell she’s genuinely having a great time.
Ursula was the first movie villain I remember as a kid who was more than just a two-dimensional plug-and-play baddie. Evil, funny, clever, and crazy. Carroll did an amazing job.
The Little Mermaid is the first movie I remember seeing in theaters. NGL I cried. Not because of Ariel. Because Pat Carroll scared the shit out of baby me.
She is a queen! Love the fun expressions and what a great villainess!
My grandma used to chase us in the pool as Ursala, shouting “you poor unfortunate souls” good memory.
Ursula is fabulous. Best Disney villain, imo. And thanks in large part to Pat Carroll’s deep, husky voice just tearing up the sea with her lines.
Amazing actress. RIP
Ursula is my favorite Disney villain from childhood.
Should’ve just hired Divine
Aw I love her.
Worked as a stagehand for a small theatre production in Richmond, Va with Pat Carroll. She misplaced her purse, accused everyone of stealing it, found it and didn’t apologize. My memory of Pat Carroll. For me, this interaction colors everything else I know about the woman.
Pat Carroll was one of the frequent celebrities on game shows when I was a kid and I had no idea who they were. Same goes for Paul Lynde, Charles Nelson Reilly, Wally Cox, Cliff Arquette, Rose Marie and even Betty White. Except for Rose Marie and Betty White I still don’t know why any of them were famous except for being on game shows.
Read this as Pete carrol. Got really confused with the football coach doing little mermaid.
Such an amazingly talented voice actor! No one will ever be able to match that cackling laugh as Pat did it! RIP
She’s to adorable to be Ursula.
Sistema acting:)
Damn the little mermaid was in the 80s!?
Today, Disney would hire a famous actor who wouldn’t do near as good of a job
She also played Cinderella’s evil stepsister Prunella in the 1965 (?) version of Cinderella. (IMO the BEST version)
The real Ursula died before the movie came out
RIP Divine