Packers defensive back Rasul Douglas makes a physical play to pick off Baker Mayfield in the fourth quarter
Packers defensive back Rasul Douglas makes a physical play to pick off Baker Mayfield in the fourth quarter from sports
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Well, that’s one way to phrase it….
Horrible missed call.
Yeah thats a hold
Yet again another ref saving the Packers in a close game…this has got to change.
Definitely PA. Also it’s a nice physical play. Good contact within 5 yards. Just happened to happen while the ball was in the air. So PA
If that ain’t defensive holding idk wtf is.
Widespread legal gambling and the awfulness of NFL referees in 2021 are not a coincidence
I’m not very familiar with the rules, but if both the defensive player is grabbing while the offensive player is pushing off, do they cancel out? Or is the defensive player more at fault?
It’s a crappy call but Baker had plenty of blown chances. Disappointing.
I’m fine with what happened right up until the browns guy made his cut. At that point it should’ve been holding or PI
Guess these refs bet on Packers winning…
Should have kept running the ball. Read the tea leaves coach.
As a Saints fan, I fkin hate missed PI calls, and this was definitely one of them.
The false start on Teller was also a load of bullshit
Not only did he make a physical play, he also froze time :0
Stefon Diggs was absolutely manhandled several times a couple of weeks ago, officiating is laughable these days.
Officiating has been terrible this year. I really feel like we are headed for a crescendo of a terrible call/no call in the playoffs that unleashes anarchy. I can’t wait.
Browns rushing wasn’t too bad. They’re QB was pretty bad.
I’ve seen them throw flags for less
I mean, it was only the pivotal moment of the game
Packers fan here, while I’m happy there was no flag on that play, I thought there should’ve been one
Fucking refs should be fined for shit like this. Egregious no call.
This game is getting kinda ridiculous now. Missed calls and/or terrible calls are happening way too often this year. I’m 100% convinced these refs are getting told what to do from the NFL. They know who they want in the superbowl and they’ll do all the dirty things to get them there.
I don’t have a horse in this race (Proud Niner fan here) but that was at a minimum defensive holding. You can literally see DPJ’s Jersey get tugged backward by Douglas as he breaks on his route. Ball was either in Baker’s hand as he completed the throw motion or had just left his fingertips, so it could be considered DPI. And for the apologists, if you wanna call the push off (which I personally can’t see from this angle) it should’ve been called offsetting penalties and the down should’ve been replayed. It’s a travesty that the refs swallowed their whistles on this play and they should be downgraded
~~physical play~~ illegal play
I couldn’t care less about who won, but that falls under the category of, “You can’t do that, Dave.”
That’s called pass interference
Idk what you’re all saying, Douglas was clearly trying to not let the WR slip and fall, then Baker, being a nice guy threw it right to him to show the sportsmanship. Geez, watch football much?
Imagine if they implemented a rule to review that
I’m a bengals fan so I naturally hate the browns but let’s be real the NFL doesn’t want teams like the browns and my bengals to win
I’m a 49ers fan but you can clearly see that’s PI 🤦🏻♂️ Those zebras need to tighten up 🤬
Unpopular opinion, but the refs got it right. WR continued the contact part 5 yards then tried to push off.
Makes up for that catch they called incomplete.
Browns fan here. This is just what we do now. Oh, and also then. If I had to guess, this is also what we will do in the future.
It’s also funny to call the refs blind idiots while simultaneously accusing them of in game shenanigans to keep the gambling Gods happy.