Saturday, January 25All That Matters

Overwatch 2 Players Highlight Illegal Shop Pricing


  • Everything in this video was great, but that “don’t spend it on this game, spend it on these other games” thing at the end was so pointless. People who wanna play competitive multiplayer FPS won’t spend the same amounts they’d use in that game on Disco Elysium, no matter how much *you* might enjoy it.

  • Man Overwatch was great while it lasted. I was completely comfortable with the model it had of earning boxes or paying for them with the only thing being cosmetic non-gameplay things. Now they locked a portion of the characters away and piecemeal that shit out like its some f2p dogshit. RIP

  • I’m so sick of hearing about the whole “don’t support their bad behavior with your money” bullshit as if it actually matters. The fact is that most of the money these free to play games make comes from a small fraction of the player base, the “whales”, if you will.

    Some asshole with all the money they need is going to buy everything in the shop and shovel tons of cash into the game because they don’t care about the cost. Those people more than make up for those of us who refuse to give them money for this crap.

    This is how gaming is now, and it probably won’t be changing ever. It sucks, but that’s how it goes when a company gets greedy.

  • goddamn, okay. i reject this form of game development and hate the practice entirely.

    however, nothing that they are doing is illegal. selling a “bundle” for a different price is simply not illegal. i hate where games are going and fully support us collectively backing out of microtransactions. here’s the thing – we still buy them. it’s a booming business – clearly the most successful game business model. stop engaging and maybe it goes away. grandstanding on business/economic principles you don’t understand is useless.

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