Saturday, September 7All That Matters

Over 45 years ago it was the first, and only time, it snowed in Miami, Florida

Over 45 years ago it was the first, and only time, it snowed in Miami, Florida

Over 45 years ago it was the first, and only time, it snowed in Miami, Florida

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  • Joenoob864

    Good times, parents took a pic of us kids that morning when we lived in Cutler Ridge. Out back drop was that of a canal!!lol

  • glue715

    My father moved his young family from northern Wisconsin to central Texas in 1979. We lived there for 3 years. One of those years there was about 3 inches of snow on Christmas Day… I was ecstatic. My neighbors, who had never seen snow, had kids my age. We had a snowball fight… I smeared snow on their faces. They cried. I was so confused…

  • onelittleworld

    The only time I’ve ever been to Miami was around Christmas Day in 1989. The official temp was 30 degrees, but the thermometer at our hotel read 26.

  • hamsolo19

    It’s pretty wild to see the reactions of people in areas where it rarely snows. I’m from the northeast US so snow ain’t no thing up here. An old buddy of mine has family down south in Georgia. One year he was down there for the holidays and it dropped like an inch or two. Shut the town down. His brother in law had this big jacked up 4×4 that my buddy was like, “We’ll be able to go anywhere in this, shit, my dumpy little Cavalier zips around this kinda snow, it’s not bad at all.” And his brother in law was like, “Nah man. Can’t risk getting stuck.” I mean, granted they arent really prepared to handle snow because they don’t really need to be but you’d think they’d be able to deal with a couple little inches of fluffy white stuff.

  • Kubelwagen74

    The photo was taken in Tampa, not Miami. I was a kid in Fort Lauderdale on that date and we had flurries, but none of it stuck to surfaces. It was pretty exciting.

  • HeebieMcJeeberson

    That’s about how much it snowed one time at my house near Oakland in the 60s. I had never seen snow before, but it was on a Sunday so of course we had to go to freaking church, and when we got home it was all melted. One of my earliest reasons to question religion.

  • boostyfeistrocket

    I remember that. Had a second job working overnights at a gas station on Federal Hiway in F Laud. Walking home with snow falling through the palm trees was a trip.

  • b2change

    It did snow in Miami that day, unfortunately I, a teenager slept thru it. Less snow than that car tho from what I was told.

  • birdie_sparrows

    The very next morning I was standing on the Capitol Mall in Washington, DC watching Jimmy Carter’s Inauguration. It was cold as fuck.

  • will23188

    I was in 5th grade at Broadview Elementary in Pompano Beach that day. Our class was in “portables” then; we all bolted outside to enjoy the flurries.

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