Ouya, I forgot I picked this up at a video game expo last weekend.
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Ouya, I forgot I picked this up at a video game expo last weekend.
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Collector’s item someday?
If that controller is decent, I’d make it into an emulator box.
IIRC they had retro emus for it back when it came out.
Man this think sucked so much. I had such high hopes but it was truly awful to use. I gave up after an hour with it and donated it to goodwill
God this was such a huge fucking failure.
Certainly an interesting idea, if ultimately a flop. Most of us knew this wasn’t going anywhere, and the critics did not go easy on the Ouya once it was released. Compare this to something like the Steam Deck… Valve is at least a financial and gaming powerhouse, and they put that system together very thoughtfully. Of course, it helps to have a massive, massive, massive storefront lol
For those who want to know why this is considered one of the worst consoles ever made, [check this out.](https://youtu.be/2rNpkZa-vI4)
EDIT: Sorry for thinking that you guys might appreciate a fun, in depth, and informative video on something not many people have heard of. Christ.
RIP the Ouya, one good decision (android on TV) followed by dozens of bad ones (bespoke market, shitty support, awful controller).
I got mine day 1 and easily played 100s of hours on it. Towerfall, Hidden in Plain Sight, and Skulls of the Shogun were standouts natively.
It’s also a great emulator box. I never had a Playstation or N64 growing up so my first experiences with those console’s games were all on the Ouya. It supports any USB controller and most bluetooth controllers so I recommend that over using the original.
I got mine engraved and all on Kickstarter. I threw that shit in a dumpster
The box is worth more than the ouya
Tommy Tallarico sell it to you?
This thing is so forgettable even you forgot you bought it
Oh God I remember these. I picked one up for 100 buckaroos at a target when they were still newer. Worst decision I made. The controller is a thing of nightmares and even using the thing as emulation isn’t all that great. It was a thing that probably never should have been made and was very much a waste.
Someone will say that it was underrated. I will say it was disaster 🥲
I remember this didn’t she like say it was the first controller to have what was it motion sensors or something I can’t remember what its called and the interviewer blatantly said well no playstation is
I Kickstarted this, not much caring about the actual intended purpose of the thing, but thinking it would be a fun thing to tinker with/hack. Turns out I would have been at least sort of correct, but various things going on in my life at that exact time meant that I didn’t have the time to even think about it. By the time I did I had lost interest and it still sits in a drawer, never even opened, let alone used.
I see we’re right at the 10 year anniversary! Maybe now is the time to throw it on Ebay.
How could you play with both an O and A button? Especially since one of them is in the wrong place!
Can I get a
Last weekend? What are you, a time traveler?
OU YA fucked up.
[Here’s an unboxing video that perfectly encapsulated every OUYA owners buyer remorse](https://youtu.be/QY5yG2KyQfM)
The best summary of Ouya and its CEO Julie Uhrman
These people were so fucking stupid. They emailed our game asking if we’d be interested in porting to it. Wanting to keep our options open, we responded “sure, once we’re done with our PC release”
Suddenly we were seeing headlines that our game was “announced” as a launch title for Ouya. We had to email them being like “what the absolute fuck” so they’d rescind it. Never had any interest in working with them again.
I saw these early as I’m a game developer. Controller is garbage and the whole concept was flawed. And Android is a horrid operating system to develop for.
Tested out Towerfall, great game but… You can push the buttons real hard and they get stuck right under the faceplate on the controller. It may be one of the worst controllers ever.
I’m sorry for your loss
Ouya got ripped off ! Hahahaha