Out of all of the psychopaths in the Dead Rising series, this one always freaked me out the most for some reason.
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Out of all of the psychopaths in the Dead Rising series, this one always freaked me out the most for some reason.
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I can’t imagine why, it’s not like it’s a kids mascot covered in blood blaming you for the death of his ‘partner’ mascot and consequently trying to kill you with two water guns that shoot fire.
Hey, at least you can hide in the wine store and keep your health full while he’s outside being a bastard.
DR had some great villains (for all of them). Some of them were real bastards (cult, humvee a-holes) but the variety overall was great! One of my faves is the postman.
IMO the cult was way scarier. Walking through waves of zombies and at one point having them replaced by a bunch of those cultists chasing you down was scary.
The creep in the wedding chapel with the chainsaw disturbed me a lot more but I get your point.
Mine is the clown.
The first games Clown for sure.
Will never forget the cutscene where he slowly creeps up behind you.
I can no longer see this and not think of Waldo from Have a Nice Death and vice versa
I found him hilarious. Yes, he’s a total bastard, but once you learn to time your jump-kick, he’s done.
Just don’t look behind you and you’ll be fine.
Adam the clown, the rapey fat lesbian security guard, the weird pigman with the chainsaw.
This franchise has some horrific bosses and slappy is what bothers you?
Everybody loves slappy!