been working at libraries for years. old redhats will come in and complain about socialism while checking out a stack of william w. johnstone and/or amish romance. paid for by public funding.
and then they go and vote against budget increases for the library for 10 years
This simultaneously is and is not the stupidest thing I’ve seen today. This is exactly the sign that would motivate me to vote “Yes.” I ‘spect ‘twernt no mistek.
I’d like to think there’s not even a milage or a new tax or anything, this person just hates libraries and made their own sign. They go to the polling booth and write on their ticket “Libary” and next to it write “NO”. They write in “Libary” in the write in column for president then vote for someone else. They picket outside the library on weekends with a sign that just says “STOP IT”.
I don’t live in the US, and never have. But seeing & reading about all this gives me Ray Bradbury – Fahrenheit 451 feels about it. Also, Thomas Jefferson, embellishing a quote from Thomas Grey (“Ignorance is bliss, ’tis folly to be wise”) – Grey, “If ignorance is bliss, why are so many people unhappy?” – Jefferson. Orwell, in his novel 1984, says “Ignorance is Strength.”. In fact 1984’s complete quote, “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.” gives me chills.
Book readin’ ain’t done nothin’ for nonebody.
You don’t suppose, that after reading that sign, one might be inclined to vote for the Libarry?
been working at libraries for years. old redhats will come in and complain about socialism while checking out a stack of william w. johnstone and/or amish romance. paid for by public funding.
and then they go and vote against budget increases for the library for 10 years
Oh don’t worry, there’s no such thing as a “libarry”.
This guy is true to his cause. He’s been voting no on the libraries his whole life.
this is satire right?….. right?
There was a time I would’ve thought the person putting up this sign was trying to be ironic and actually supported the libarry.
Now, after Trump.
There are so many stupid people.
So so many.
Um…it’s liberry
Is are children learning? Clearly not.
Is this in Pawnee Indiana?
Who’s LiBarry? Is that Canadian?
Watchu readin fer?
Done on purpose.
It’s true. I wouldn’t vote for Barry. He’s a liar.
Give me libarry, or give me death!
Our anti-education attitude as a country is probably the biggest threat to our future.
Life is satire
This jackass kid in high school got busted for falsifying a hall pass to the “liaberry.”
I suppose if he’d actually been allowed to spend time there he wouldn’t have made the mistake that got him caught.
Whit r u talkn abot teh edukashen systim wokr Juste Fyine fer meh an meh budies? We Obveschly dunt Ned sum sthupid librarry inn meh nek off de wods!
This simultaneously is and is not the stupidest thing I’ve seen today. This is exactly the sign that would motivate me to vote “Yes.” I ‘spect ‘twernt no mistek.
damm libarryans
It’s the “lib” bit that they don’t like.
But I’m a libarrian. Where will I work?
Three out of four is still 75% so that’s a passing grade.
I’d like to think there’s not even a milage or a new tax or anything, this person just hates libraries and made their own sign. They go to the polling booth and write on their ticket “Libary” and next to it write “NO”. They write in “Libary” in the write in column for president then vote for someone else. They picket outside the library on weekends with a sign that just says “STOP IT”.
Ignant people
Odds are that most of the people who’d vote no for a library probably won’t bother reading past “lib”
I don’t live in the US, and never have. But seeing & reading about all this gives me Ray Bradbury – Fahrenheit 451 feels about it. Also, Thomas Jefferson, embellishing a quote from Thomas Grey (“Ignorance is bliss, ’tis folly to be wise”) – Grey, “If ignorance is bliss, why are so many people unhappy?” – Jefferson. Orwell, in his novel 1984, says “Ignorance is Strength.”. In fact 1984’s complete quote, “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.” gives me chills.