Our cat wouldn’t survive the first 5 minutes in the wild
Our cat wouldn’t survive the first 5 minutes in the wild from funny
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Our cat wouldn’t survive the first 5 minutes in the wild
Our cat wouldn’t survive the first 5 minutes in the wild from funny
View Reddit by PrimitivRS – View Source
Someone will scoop it up and bring it home within 5 minutes. Cute cat.
Most likely an eagle.
How many cats does it take to change a lightbulb
“need to follow the light”
Cats curiosity.
farrah fawcett reincarnated as a cat.
I think your cat is a moth going for that [LAMP](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1413794)
Adorable floof!
Yeah those wild lamps and light fixtures will eat him for breakfast.
Moth cat
I think stupid cats are more fun than stupid dogs.
i’m more impressed it didn’t start to panic and run by his stuck claw
That’s not your cat. Barrel, come home.
I like how it just resigns to its fate.
“Alright, my claw is stuck in this thing forever now I guess.”
House cats generally lack the skills to survive anywhere else than a house but your’s in a whole other level
What breed is the cat?
I had the same kind of cat. Couldn’t work her claws for the life of her!!! Every blanket or area rug was trashed with hooks of thread pulled out. She was so kind tho.
“i just want to hang from the chandelier”
My cat has always been kind of an idiot too and would frequently get himself into jams like this. He’s 20 now, and you better believe a stupid animal makes an even stupider *old* animal. He’s still a cuddly sweetheart though, always was.
My cat is identical wild
“Hmm, it’s warm. Can I get this down, maybe? Oh, my claw. It’s… how do I… oh. Well I’ll just stay here I guess. Oh hey human, I – oof, ok, you’re picking me up now. Urk. Hey, is there anything to eat?”
I remember coming home from work and couldn’t find one of our cats. I went to pee and would continue to search afterwards. Cat was in the bathroom, with a claw stuck to the bath towel on the towel bar, and she had kicked the door shut trying to get unstuck. 🤦🏻♀️
Lovely cat though… utterly hopeless but lovely. Mine are the same.
It’s not like the cat could get his claw caught on the sun.