Our cat went on a ventilation vacation — had to lure her chonkiness out with fancy feast
Our cat went on a ventilation vacation — had to lure her chonkiness out with fancy feast from funny
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Should be an ad for fancy feast!
Save on ductwork cleaning, for sure!
R/C ventilation shaft duster
*stippity steps* lost it!
Come out to the coast, we’ll get together, have a few laughs…
Early prototype of Elon Musk’s hyperloop.
Thank goodness she could climb out on her own.
she is out of the vent and completely fine. We gave her the remaining fancy feast 😂
Temptations work very well for this. Shake, shake, shake they come running.
Not sponsored by Temptation but it’s true like in their commercials. I call them my cats crack.
I had a cat that did this. We had to put heavy things on top of the floor vents to prevent him from prying them up.
It’s actually kind of amazing how reflective those eyes are like you can see the green / yellow reflected onto the ducting
I know that’s not what this post is about but its what I noticed haha
Football cream.
I had a ferret that found a hole in the floor of the laundry room of my apartment. He had fun running the length of the cell between my floor and the ceiling of the apartment below me. Fortunately, he got thirsty and I enticed him out with water. As punishment, he got a bath after that.
My question is: How in the world did she get in the ventilation?
Lucky those ducts are usually riddled with selftap screws
“Her chonkiness” 🥹
Come out to the coast we’ll get together, have a few laughs.
The cat’s stuck in 2020 playing Among Us
Ducts? Why is it always ducts?
When I read “ventilation vacation” I was fully expecting this cat to be in a vet’s office hooked up to monitors in a coma and I’m so glad I was wrong.
“Now I know what a TV dinner feels like.”
Where are the jedi??
Sir! They waebt into the ventilation shaft.
The little scoot to the treats, I’m dead
“I hope to see my friend and shake his hand. I hope the pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams. I hope.”
Her Chonkiness 🤣
Yippie Ki Yay Meowther fucker
*waddle waddle*
I think I saw this scene in Aliens.
Yes, I’ll have them food.
My parents house had a closet on the wall to the front of the bathtub. And inside that closet was a small hatch to get access to the pipes of the bathtub. Of course one of our cats got in there and spent a few hours under the tub, was a pain in the ass to lure her out with a can of tuna.
*mission impossible music intensives
Break me off a piece of that fancy feast
Cat in the wall? Now you’re speaking my language.
I need to get my ducts dusted.
Does she charge by the foot or by the hour?
And how much Fancy Feast per foot/hour?
Lamarr get down from there! OH Fine it will take me another week to coax her down from there!
Years ago I had to lure my cat off the roof with mint ice cream.
Cat in the wall, eh? Ok, now you’re talking my language. I know this game.
She went duct hunting.
Why don’t you just pull her out at this point… *Okay, major spikes*”
Snake? Snaaaaake!
Queue metal gear solid music
I changed a trailer furnace in the morning. When the tenant got home later they found their cat was in the duct work. Fuck. Didn’t even see the cat at all, it must have got in in the few moments between carrying the old furnace out and the new one in.
When we took the furnace off, the cat was ready to get out and came out like a shot. It was in their for 6ish hours.