Orson Welles expressing regret he didn’t leave filmmaking earlier
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Orson Welles expressing regret he didn’t leave filmmaking earlier
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His last role was in Transformers The Movie
“Had I known how lucrative it would be pimping for jug wines and frozen peas, I would have quit decades ago.”
“Rosebud Frozen Peas, filled with Country Goodness and Green Peaness!”
i was wondering what he was doing these days…
He complained back then, but that didn’t stop him directing a movie which was released on Netflix in 2018.
What’s his reasons?
I would just keep in mind Welles was a famous self-sabotager, he once had a meeting with HBO to produce a series in their early days and he essentially told them he sucks and they shouldn’t hire him.
This excerpt leaves out the way Welles prefaced the statement: [“I think I made essentially a mistake staying in movies, but it’s the mistake I can’t regret because it’s like saying, ‘I shouldn’t have stayed married to that woman but I did because I love her’.”](https://youtu.be/brVah-r65pI?t=3019)
Aaaaah the French
Maybe if he hadn’t pissed off the most powerful man in America when he made his first movie, perhaps his career wouldn’t have been such a hustle.
No wonder he finished his career selling “green Pea-ness” for the payout.
i personally dislike these privileged takes by successful people.
“i wish i stopped doing this thing that made me rich and famous to be a cog like the rest of you regular people” — rich and famous person
Watch The Man who saw tomorrow omg Orson Wells is scary even in a docudrama
Recently tried sitting through F is for Fake. Couldn’t do it. One of the most pretentious movies I’ve ever seen.
Well at least we got The Other Side of the Wind, F for Fake, and The Trial out of it.
Just some of Orson Welles other [classic moments ](https://youtu.be/6i7ycxiog40)