Original copy of Monopoly, invented to educate of the dangers of land speculation and landlording.
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Original copy of Monopoly, invented to educate of the dangers of land speculation and landlording.
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Labour upon Mother Earth produces wages. Wow.
that’s not what it was invented for
For permission to make two blades of grass grow on this land where one grew before apply to Graball & Holdup Improvement Co.
This version seems more my speed.
I’m always trying to get to Broadway … but end up stuck in Rubeville.
Take a ride on the Slambang Trolley.
PBS did a great program about the theft of this game.
What’s “R.R.” in this context?
Monopoly was inspired by “The Landlords Game” invented in 1904 by Elizabeth Maggie. The Dollop did a great history lesson on it https://open.spotify.com/episode/3WjbHD60BDgnZmgIPOFVjL?si=02dTWFtiSkmIRg3bN3-3ag
When she invented it, the creator offered two sets of rules. One that rewarded monopolistic behavior, which is the set we use today, and one that rewarded communal behavior. I’ve looked around a bit and I couldn’t find that second set, but if anyone knows what they are I’d love to see them. It would be fun to play with those rules.
“hire attorney for yet another eviction, pay $1500”
The version of Monopoly that I play with my kids, I nickname ‘hyperinflation’. We basically pay everything with money stolen from the bank. Probably somewhat less uh, educational than the original intent of the game… I should probably introduce some sounder fiscal policy before they start getting an allowance.