Only microsoft is able to make such awful and souless designs lmao
View Reddit by POMARANCZA123PL – View Source
Only microsoft is able to make such awful and souless designs lmao
View Reddit by POMARANCZA123PL – View Source
Isn’t minimalism in fashion currently?
microsoft painted the trashcan mac pro black
Looks like a new Levoit black style air purifier.
Okay Sony.
Can’t wait for xbox series X trashcan like they did mini fridge.
“Beautiful and innovative new design” Lmao
This is already top 5 of my favorite console designs? What’s wrong with it?
I mean it’s as simple as don’t like it don’t look at it. It’s not pretty no, does that mean everyone has to act like a brat who didn’t get the toy they wanted?
Is this a joke? The PS5 is hideous.
I think you can put wax melts on top of it. The Xtube series T get even more immersion with Microsoft scents.
Are you looking for wings and racing lines? Do you just want to be able to sit and stare at the console? What sort of idiotic criticism is this?
Adorably all digital? Adorably.
Pretty clean. I like it.
Im a Pc player and dont have a console, but i way prefer the sleek and minimalist designs of Xbox over that weird goofy ps5 look…
My Ps5 looks so fucking clunky and stupid sitting next to my Series X.
People say the PS5 looks like a wifi router, funny enough my current wifi router looks like this xbox.
Why can’t I get a console that fits in my entertainment stack? These things all need their own designated shelves now. I just want to stack stuff.
Microsoft employees frequently out themselves chatting in comments to one another on reddit. Easy to spot in the wild and tag them. They out themselves. Then when you see the behaviors, the decisions out of the company make sense.
Tbh I like it more than PS5 design.
Then sony whips out the playstation portal lol
I like it!
Should be 4-5 TB SSD
i guess you could say they’re pretty bad at making windows
What are you going to be looking at the most
I would put that in my ass
Apple makes it – Wonderful, inspired design…..
Microsoft makes it – awful, soulless……
Man they’re really pushing this digital only thing aren’t they. Won’t be long until the majority of games are digital only and we’re forced to pay shitty prices on everything 🙁
in late march my left lung collapsed and i went to hospital, when i came out 9 days later my mother had purchased a hepa air filter for my bedroom for me.
It looks just like this new xbox, except it has more vents on the lower half of the cylinder.
whoever is designing shit at xbox is boring as fuck like wow you go from exciting console designs like the xbox and 360 to the shit they produce now like the s and x.
**alexa add pulled pork to shopping list** 😂😂
Microsoft needs to stop trying to be Apple.
Op prob looking for it to be full of RGB leds
i like it . The more minimalistic the better
That looks awesome ngl
Hey Amazon, can I take inspiration?
*yes, but don’t copy*
Your pathetic attempts to shit on Microsoft are honestly sad. Stay mad that Xbox is constantly adapting and succeeding with their ventures while Sony stays stuck in the past.
I actually like it. But is it still an “XBox” or is it more of an “XCylinder”?
I think it’s pretty cool looking. Personally I think the OG Series X is the best looking console ever with the PS4 pro and Gamecube not far behind.
One thing is for sure, the Brooklin looks WAY BETTER than a PS5 lol. PS5 is the worst looking console ever made… and that says a lot considering the 3d0 existed.
If it worked in the 90s for PC speakers, why can’t they use it now? 😛
Looks like a lil deskside trashcan, adorable
Behold: The T U B E