Thursday, March 6All That Matters

One year ago, on this day, the midseason finale of “Better Call Saul” aired. “Plan and Execution” received a nomination for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series (Bob Odenkirk) and also for Outstanding Writing for a Drama Series. Let’s rewatch the final scene of this brilliant episode.


One year ago, on this day, the midseason finale of “Better Call Saul” aired. “Plan and Execution” received a nomination for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series (Bob Odenkirk) and also for Outstanding Writing for a Drama Series. Let’s rewatch the final scene of this brilliant episode.


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  • One of the most shocking deaths in TV history. The show did such a good job of having something happen that was so unexpected, yet made perfect sense structurally and narratively.

    I loved the way this death plays into our own relationship to the portrayal of casual murder in media. Tons of random, innocent people in this franchise – a random guy in a parking lot, a teenaged witness on a bicycle, a store clerk (also killed by Lalo himself), have been murdered like it was nothing. Yet we as an audience aren’t made to feel much because we don’t know these characters at all. But never have we seen a fully fleshed out person, who we’ve grown to know and love, get murdered in this same way. Someone completely outside of the game, no involvement in any criminality, just get shot point blank for standing there. While I think Andrea’s death comes close – in actuality Jesse was warned, time and time again, that Todd would hurt her if he tried to escape. Her death was completely avoidable, yet Howard’s death felt truly, deeply unlucky and unfair.

    I couldn’t think of a better catalyst for Jimmy’s downfall into Saul – that he’d just bury this trauma and pretend it never happened, while Kim took responsibility and punished herself into anonymity.

  • I’ll be honest, I was bored by the cartel plot. Breaking Bad already did it and that was good enough for me. I watched this show for Jimmy’s story. But the shock of that moment, bringing the two threads together, almost reconciled me to how much time was spent building up Lalo.

    ETA: What Jimmy and Kim did to Howard was so awful, in both its greed and its pettiness. And then to end like this. What a gut-punch.

    The more I think about this series, the better I appreciate it. Beautifully constructed, written, and acted.

  • I honestly just watched the last season over the last week.

    I think I missed a bit of the plot – why did he throw away his plea deal?

    Was it just to see how low he could argue it? Did he always intend to take a ‘fair’ sentence? Did the note about the judge ‘always following guidelines’ have any effect on his decision? Was it planned?

  • This is the scene that made me go from low-key rooting for Jimmy and Kim to hating them with a passion.

    Howard did not deserve any of the harassment they put him through let alone this awful fate.

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