Saturday, October 26All That Matters

One of the servers that powered EVE Online back in the days

One of the servers that powered EVE Online back in the days

One of the servers that powered EVE Online back in the days

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  • ChribbaX

    These old server blades have been auctioned off by CCP Games for charity over the years. This one in particular is to my knowledge among the first batch of blades that were made available to players.

    As a fan and long time player of EVE, knowing that my little carebear pilot has been zipping around the circuits of this unit is a great personal accomplishment and fond memory.

    The text on the plaque reads:

    – EVE Online –

    Years of Service: 2006-2009


    Revelations II


    Empyrean Age

    Quantum Rise


    This blade server was once a critical part of the Tranquility cluster, which plays host to the vast interstellar world of New Eden.

    As a part of the hardware powering EVE during the years and expansions listed above, this blade served through times that saw the rise and fall of some of the most powerful alliances in the history of New Eden, along with the one day war, the invasion of Caldari Prime, the Elder Fleet attack on CONCORD headquarters and the ascension of Jamyl I to the throne of the Amarr Empire.

    Without the support of the EVE Community over the years, this blade would have been assigned to some boring job like crunching numbers in a bank. Instead, it spent its lifetime hosting part of what many consider to be one of the deepest and most compelling virtual worlds ever created.

    Our most sincere gratitude for your continued support.

    — Signed by lots of developers —

  • BarbequedYeti

    I remember getting my first rack of ibm blade servers back in the day. It was part of an over all server consolidation project i was doing. Took two entire rows of server racks down into 2 racks of blade chassis.

    The data center looked so damn stupid when we were done. All this space and just 2 racks right in the center running everything.

    Then later we moved all of that into virtualization and saved even more space/resources. The blade servers were a game changer for data centers. It was amazing all the power you could fit in a small footprint. Also made it super easy to hide the gaming servers from the other teams.

  • BigSmackisBack

    I bet my data has gone through that at some point, as well as some of my isk through your very wallet chribba, thanks for brokering that Aeon for me dude o7

    edit: did you have to fight Entity for this blade? lol

  • windsorHaze

    I haven’t played Eve in a very long time, are they still proud to be powered by python, I remember years ago they wrote a few dev blogs about it. Fascinating read.

  • LionAround2012

    I carebear’d on Eve Online from about 2008 until about 2015, off and on with months long breaks here and there. Don’t miss the game, But I do miss the feeling of vast open world to explore. Bobbling around j-space and feeling so lonely and vulnerable at the same time was so cool back in 2009. The old POS sticks used as bases in wormhole space were, IMO, better than the current citadels littering the game now.

  • AlphisH

    Omg, to think all the rage and salt could be contained on this little thing.

    I joined during revelation II and this game still holds special place in my heart lol

  • Marsaac

    Those were some good days. Played from 2005 or 2006 somewhere until 2013 or so. Had some great times. Went to a meet in the UK and two fanfests. Still talk to some of those people today albeit sporadically. Makes me nostalgic.

  • 2_Spicy_2_Impeach

    I opened Excel instinctively seeing an EVE post. Had a blast playing it and getting absolutely fucked until I casually mentioned it to a coworker.

    He said he played EVE. Motherfucker had a Titan. Really helped me start actually winning engagements. Also anytime I’d take a break, he’d multibox and use my account and train up a bunch of shit.

  • Less-Court-795

    It’s awesome seeing old technology like this! I used to work on Cell Towers and we’d find very old signatures and equipment from the early 2000s. The history is great to see.

  • VAShumpmaker

    Weird to think. I was sitting out in the dark at college because my internet wasn’t fast enough. I found an outside power socket and sat in the grass for hours chatting with my Corp and starting shit in disposable ships.

    It’s weird to think I was at least part of the time connected to that piece of equipment a continent away

  • turt_reynolds86

    Chribba! Wow I was just reminiscing about my EVE Online days and I was describing a time where my corp of high sec “ninjas” took out one of your shiny tengus using a wreck baiting trap!

    I had also been involved in putting together an op to alpha snipe your high sec Titan using a combination of the (then recently released) tornado battleship, bump stabbed, and suicide tankers on a gate across the system you were in to pull Concorde away. I believe someone had tipped you off and the op failed before it began, but I remember the math said we had a chance of possibly succeeding.

    We wanted to be EVE famous lol

    I’ve been out of EVE for a long time now, but whatever happened to the Titan?

    It’s good to see you’re still around and hope you’re doing well!

  • GamerByt3

    Chribba, Now there’s a name I haven’t heard in a long, long time…

    I can’t tell you how many nights in 2007-2010 I stayed up all night raiding low sec, engaging in epic fleet battles, or running my alts to jump material to null space for huge profits.

    Some of my best online memories of all time.

  • TheDkone

    thanks for sharing, this brings back many good memories. I used to dual box for many years. So much fun and good memories. I often wonder if my characters and stuff still exist?

  • -Drunken_Jedi-

    Man that takes me back. I started playing in 2004 and dipped out a few years later around 2009. Good times, crazy to think that next year my EVE character will be 20 years old ffs lol.

  • catsambience

    One of those devs is my old roommate, I never really got stuck playing eve but this still brought back alot of good memories. Miss you buddy and hope your life is fantastic today!

  • Top-Personality-9181

    Damn. Biggest time sink of my life with zero regrets. From Syndicate, to Paragon Soul, to Venal, to Tenal, to Vale of the Silent, then back down south to Catch. So many great friends met, so many exciting moments. Gate camp running with Below the Asteroids running on repeat on the in game player, scouting out POS sites for my Corp, running small gangs into lowsec to play with pirates. Warping in cloaked right into the shockwave of our first titan’s doomsday. Sniffing out and solo popping a machariel.

    So many memories.


    Revelations II had the best title screen theme ever too!

  • Shad0wX7

    Damn now this brings me back. You know what, I think I recognize your username from /r/EVE way back. I played during Empyrean Age and then Apocrypha, then kept going until sometime around 2014-ish. Great times. Used to be in TEST, among others. Had my fair share and fill of 500+ participant alliance fleet battles complete with supercaps, small gang and solo pvp, wormhole diving in my Loki, ratting/running anom’s in my Nidhoggur carrier or Machariel, mining in fleets with a Rorqual….I could go on. Good memories. o7

  • Deaner3D

    I remember this era in EVE. Man those were good times. From my memory CCP was having massive server issues as alliances started fielding larger and larger fleets. They worked on the backend, upgrading stackless python, and adding a slew of these new high powered blades(time dilation was another solution that came later). There was a noticeable difference as 100v100 (or more) fleet battles became a regular occurrence during Goonswarm’s assault on BoB in the South.

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