One of the most beautiful and underrated games I have ever played. I don’t understand a lot of criticism this game is getting. The story starts off slow but after a few hours, it gets great and ends even better. Graphics is beautiful. Etc. If you hadn’t tried it yet I highly recommend that you do.
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It was fun but had its issues. Some parts of the game were very rushed and the story wasn’t very good. Gameplay was fun thoifh
It’s not well received cause it’s generic with no innovation, just another well made open world zombie game
I enjoyed it well enough. Pretty great soundtrack too.
Fun game. A similar game was MadMax on Pc.
It’s boring
One of those games i’ve been meaning to play for a long time
I platinumed it last year. Wonderful game.
The gameplay is fine (even though the enemy AI is dumb as rocks) but I hated the main character and most of the supporting cast.
There was not a single likable character that I can remember
Nothing too great about it, but it isn’t bad. I liked the vibe of the word and the gameplay a little bit. The story and characters were just there, nothing impactful so it was kinda forgettable, I think that’s why it isn’t really well received.
It’s yet another derivative open world zombie game with generic protagonist x. Calling it one of the most beautiful and underrated games is stretching it a bit…
Played through this when I got a PS5 from the PS + collection. I knew I’d spend a lot of time with the other games in the collection but this one surprised me.
I will say I thought the writing and VA was not very good. Certainly not when compared to its first party peers. I found myself wishing most of the characters would shut up and just let me play in peace.
I play mostly on Xbox and play the State of Decay games. I’m really hoping they take some inspiration from Days Gone with the third entry because Days Gone was an unexpected blast.
Really enjoyed this game. Besides the repetitive combat groove I fell into of – crouch+rock+stab – but that’s also on me. But I did find Deacons dialogue/attitude incredibly annoying after a while. That said, especially with that cliffhanger ending, I would’ve played the shit out of the sequel.
The game plays fine (nothing spectacular imo) and the world is pretty empty (once you experience the horde a couple of times it becomes pretty much “meh”). My biggest gripe with the game are the characters and it’s story. The characters just felt dumb and it’s story followed suit. I still can’t believe the moment the kid stabs the dudes wife, lmao.
Currently playing through it for the first time and having a blast
In a market full of open world, a spend 150 hours picking up 3000000000 pieces of paper scraps to make 1 irrelevant lore message game isn’t very fun.
Yea I tried playing it but I just couldn’t get over how annoying the main guy was :/ I’m sure they were going for realism when they gave him those weird verbal ticks but it just really pissed me off. “Uh, yea yea I’m uh, I’m here. I’m here Booze-man. I’m just uh, right along the uh, the the the marauder camp.”
Man the Horde mechanics are the best I’ve encountered in any game….a true sense of terror as they descend on you
Played it, got bored and never touched it again. My biggest criticism is that it is extremely generic.
As you said, it starts slow. I didn’t make it very far before quitting. I gave it another shot several months later and got through the slow start and while it was a pretty solid game it doesn’t do a lot to stand out.
The best thing it has going for it are hoardes which are just waiting until later in the game when you have the most powerful weapons and upgraded your stamina, then you just run around and mow down as many as possible before sprinting off and repeating.
It would have been nice to see traps and throwables be more effective and hoardes rely more on planning and taking advantage of the terrain than just mindless run, shoot, run, shoot, run, shoot, repeat ad nauseam.
Bosses did little to set themselves apart from other enemy types, usually just requiring more bullets rather than having a unique mechanic or strategy needed.
Same with the different enemy varieties. The only one that really stood out is the one that screams and summons more zombies and that was just annoying because it would also knock you off your bike just riding around.
Nests just sucked. The game tells you there are more during the day, but weaker. Less at night, but stronger. This only effects the ones that come out from the nest though, not the surrounding area, and only makes a difference of a couple. So at night you might have 4 that come out instead of 6 but there’s another 4 outside of the nest that aren’t there during the day so you actually have more to deal with and they are stronger. Night time in general is pretty disappointing as it’s high risk with no extra reward.
Every camp has to be ranked up separately and as the story proceeds you get locked out of previous camps so you constantly have to restart the grind to rank up to get the best weapons and upgraded instead of having one continuous advancement. Unless you’re a completionist doing all the non story side content you probably won’t get the best stuff ever. I did all main and side missions and got to rank 3 on like one camp out of the five or six there are.
The combat with the regular enemies is OK but again, nothing special.
The story, which was actually pretty good, was the only thing that really kept me going after the combat got boring.
“but only if you promise to ride me as much as you ride your bike.”
it’s like shakespeare. i can’t believe people didn’t take it seriously
I liked it and have played thru many times but they fell into that same old trap of a predictable religious zealot as the bad guy. I really wish someone would come up with something new.
“After a few hours”
Yeah, not a good selling point.
Your title captures the essence of my love-hate relationship with this game. It’s 15-25 hours of really good game packaged in a 40-50 hour game.
I enjoyed it at first but found myself exhausted by the halfway point. It really needed whatever the game equivalent is of a good book editor to trim the fat.
Tried it didnt like it 🙁
some criticisms are valid:
> buggy at launch
> no memorable characters (some of them are even terrible)
> story was very predictable
it was fun. if fun is all you’re looking for, this game is good for you. I just don’t think it’s underrated. I would even say it’s overrated with how much love and praise it is getting from the gaming community despite its glaring issues. at least you got your money’s worth though.
I lived where the game took place, I loved every second of this game.
The pc release is the best game I’ve played in years. Fucking loved it. True open world.
A lot of people actual enjoy this game, a big issue when it released was it had a bunch of bugs that got patched out later. But the reviews were pre patch.
Its pretty bland.
You don’t understand criticism but admits it takes hours for it to get interesting?
Someone posts something like this at least once a month.
It’s underrated because when it released it was a buggy mess. A year+ later of fixes the game got to where it should have been at release, but by that time the hype was long gone.
I agree, *now* it’s a great game, at release it was trash.
Very dull storytelling, uninteresting gameplay. Missions were so cookie cutter was forcing myself to play it as my bro got it for a present.
Gave up in the end
The dialog is what gets me about this game..
“Deacon, you’re not leaving right?”
“No, Boozer, aggh man get some rest then we’ll head out soon”
“Deacon, Deacon you havent left yet? Have you ridden North?”
“Boozer no I havent left, once you’re feeling better were riding out of here, get some rest”
The dialog and pacing was so repititous and annoying
It starts slow and the voice acting can be off at times, especially with our main character. But it’s an enjoyable game. Would definitely recommend
Loved it
They marketed the game so bad
I thought it was going to be a zombie horror game 🧟♀️
There’s maybe only one or two “scary” moments
I thought the game scaled wonderfully
When you start out you’re clueless and so scared of zombies- forget a hoard (pretty sure I almost shit myself first time I saw a hoard at night lol)
Then by end of game you’ve gained so much knowledge of both zombies and the world that they become almost fun to kill and you’re taking on giant hoards setting traps etc
Great game, it seems like it fell through but I very much hope for a sequel
I highly recommend tempering your expectations after reading the title.
This game is like a 7/10 at best. It is extremely slow to start and then it becomes a decent open world zombie game. They story is whatever but theres nothing really special about the combat or crafting. The horde and motorcycle mechanics are kind of cool, but thats about all that sets this game apart. Its not as bad as the release reviews said it was and def gets ignored, but lets not pretend this is actually a masterpiece or must play of any sort
The worst part of this game is the main character Deacon. Dude is constantly talking/grumbling and never shuts up. Hes just angry most of the time, which gets annoying fast
No offense or anything and I did not play this game but I did watch it and it looked good but
IM SO FUCKING TIRED OF THE OPEN WORLD SHIT, I know it was great at first, it was awesome, but there’s some games that just work really well as linear narratives
I miss some of the OG metal gears, devil may cries, halo, and just games that tell a very linear story
I like open world, but they need to get rid of so much bloatware quests and actually put meaning into more than just the main story line and like 3 side quests
So repetitive, played about 70% and just got bored.
This is the first 5 minutes of the game:
>”This helicopter can only take 2 more people.”
>Deacon: >!How much space do you have if I wave my gun in your face?!<
>”This helicopter can only take 2 more people!”
>Deacon: ~~Gosh guys, I have 2 injured people in my party… let’s put both of them on the helicopter!~~
>Deacon: >!Uh, ok two is a very big number… lets try putting the lady on the helicopter and the other injured guy can limp walk out of here with me.!<
The entire story is **full of plot loopholes** like this. Like they could have solved this particular one by just saying >!”The heli only has space for a single person”!<. That’s just lazy writing.
Every character in this game is an asshole (including you). Also, you are a slave-catcher and the game purposefully hides this fact from you for at least an hour in the hopes that you won’t care when you find out.
Really good combat / world-building. Crummy plot / characters.
I really liked Days Gone, but the fucking camera autolevel was too infuriating for me to keep playing.
I want to fucking look in a specific direction, not wherever the camera fucking feels like centering.
So I just completed last night — it’s a great flawed game. My major criticisms:
” Falls into open world trap; cookie cutter missions, general repetition that leads to a feeling of an empty world as opposed to interactive
* Weapons all feel the same; eventually you find some that make no sense NOT to use.
* Lack of variety in enemies
* Human AI is brain damaged
* Lazy stealth mechanics
* Outside of a few perks the progression system isn’t very rewarding
* The trust system has no effect on the story
* I wish that you could carry an extra weapon on the bike to have more flexibility — there were many instances where having my bow would have been great but it’s so situational that if prefer to have an MG in my pocket in all circumstances
Usually I get bored of these types of games real quick — I’ve never been able to complete an Assassin’s Creed game going back to the original — this one won me over with the story and the characters. I was actually invested in caring for Boozer and the personal journey Deacon was on in his grief. Smashing hordes has a great blend of tactics and strategy, using all tools at your disposal. The world is objectively beautiful. The relationship you have with your bike is intrinsic to the gameplay down to being able to save at all.
I loved every single moment of it. Amazing game. I hope it will get a sequel one day.
It’s also completely free on the PS5 with a PS Plus subscription
I bought it and deleted after two hours. Is it worth re-downloading and playing it
I ran out of gas on the motorcycle once relatively early on in the game when my weapons weren’t great either. And I happened to run out of gas in a dead end canyon near a small horde. After many failed head on attempts I finally was able to stealth by them and run for a solid 20 minutes to a camp where I paid someone to get my bike. I’ve never had such a sense of dread in a video game.
I couldn’t get past the tutorial. The cosplay bikers were cringe. Then he had that super sight power whatever that was explained because he dad took him hunting or something. It was explained so awkwardly
Graphics is beautiful
*cough cough* mad max by avalanche
*Cough cough* PREY 2017 by arcane
Hands down one of the most boring fucking games I’ve ever played.