Monday, August 26All That Matters

Once upon a time, the original Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom was the only nationally broadcast nature show on American television (1963-1988). I learned to love animals partly because of this show and it will always have a fond place in my heart. Thank you and RIP Marlin Perkins and Jim Fowler.

Once upon a time, the original Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom was the only nationally broadcast nature show on American television (1963-1988). I learned to love animals partly because of this show and it will always have a fond place in my heart. Thank you and RIP Marlin Perkins and Jim Fowler.

Once upon a time, the original Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom was the only nationally broadcast nature show on American television (1963-1988). I learned to love animals partly because of this show and it will always have a fond place in my heart. Thank you and RIP Marlin Perkins and Jim Fowler.

Once upon a time, the original Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom was the only nationally broadcast nature show on American television (1963-1988). I learned to love animals partly because of this show and it will always have a fond place in my heart. Thank you and RIP Marlin Perkins and Jim Fowler. from OldSchoolCool

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  • rondonjon

    I used to watch this on Sunday mornings with my dad when I was lucky enough to weasel out of church. Very fond memories indeed.

  • melston9380

    I loved that show so much! I wanted to go to Omaha on vacation because I thought they lived there with all those animals. I was about 5.

  • jjj49er

    As soon as I read the title I could hear the announcer in my head saying “Welcome to Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom.” I loved that show as a kid.

  • TheDeadWriter

    I have melancholic memories of this show. It was a bright point fraught with sadness as it we watched it at my grandparents before we left for the long drive home. My father lived for a long time with my grandparents because of work; he commuted via the bus once a week to see us.

    I think it’s scenes like this one, along with dubious reasons for chasing the animals, along with the change in social mores that keep this show from being rerun.

    I really found it weird when I came across a Mutual of Omaha insurance counter at an airport when I first started to fly for a job that I had. Those kiosks were weird and I actually plunked down some cash the first time I flew and bought the flight insurance, filling out the form, dropping it down the envelope chute thinking that it was a good idea. I hadn’t connected that the show was one long advertisement, brilliant marketing.

    I think I remember some kids on the jungle gym being really invested in the idea that they were Perkins and Jim and the rest of the kids were various animals to dart and collect. That was a seriously big helicopter. I’m pretty sure that jungle gym was also the only safe place from the hot lava, poor Perkins and Jim didn’t make it- they turned into lava monsters.

  • SentientFurniture

    My dad worked at Mutual of Omaha for 41 years. He has the entire series on VHS and my siblings and I grew up on it. I really wish they still did this show.

  • elethrir

    The running gag about that show was how Marlin would always be sitting comfy in the jeep and send Jim in to do all the horribly dangerous work. Later, I think, Marlin would only appear in the intros. Still, very fond memories of watching this before WW of Disney. Also liked Zoorama and You asked for It.

  • slippinaway1

    I had a college biology professor who was friends with Marlin Perkins. Anytime the weather was ok, he’d hold class outdoors, walking around campus, pulling bark off trees, tufts of grass, bugs, popping them in his mouth and munching away. “People, no one should starve to death if you’re lost in the woods!”

  • da9ve

    Do schools still do Spirit Week any more? When I was in junior high or high school, so about 1981-1986, I dressed up as Jim Fowler for Hero Day during Spirit Week – and EVERYONE GOT THE JOKE! “While Marlin sips mint juleps in the air-conditioned tent and watches through binoculars, I’ll wrestle these three enraged hippopotamuses.” Glorious days – Wild Kingdom was pure gold in its weird way.

  • metalbill64

    We would gather around our tv every Sunday for this. 3 brothers and 4 sisters a 19” tv. One of the best memories of my life.

  • brett8722

    Jim was the shit. Literally every week was some nonsense thing like here a muddy pond, I bet there is an alligator in there. Jim, go see. Jim climbs in the water and pulls out an alligator.

    Loved the show. Watched it Sunday evenings with my dad and brother. Good times. I think about this show occasionally. Good post. Thanks op.

  • Machipongo

    It was on TV on Sunday nights just before dinnertime in suburban Chicago. I loved that show and I loved National Geographic. I am still a geek.

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