“once in a lifetime shot” (photographer unknown)
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“once in a lifetime shot” (photographer unknown)
View Reddit by nicique – View Source
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Photographer is Roy Rimmer and it took about 5 seconds to Google that information.
It took about 3 seconds to reverse image search for the photographer: [Roy Rimmer](https://petapixel.com/2016/07/12/story-behind-incredible-shot-owl-flight/)
Deftones: Diamond eyes
Owl screeches, blinded by the flash. Hits a tree. Probably.
Reminds me of the Nope ending haha
“Yo! Where da mice at?”
>”photographer unknown”
Props for caring at all about crediting a photographer – but if you actually care then why not image search this pic so you can credit them? Literally under 5 seconds – Copy paste the pic’s url or the pic itself into [tineye.com](https://tineye.com) and it gives you [490 instances of this pic online, including 134 in reddit.](https://tineye.com/search/ed5510705998c8186ab1d7130ee04f650fd8990c?domain=reddit.com&sort=crawl_date&order=desc&page=1)
And in this case, this photo was [posted here two months ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/xu0s12/a_once_in_a_lifetime_shot_by_photographer_roy/) with the title **”Once In A Lifetime Shot** ***by photographer Roy Rimmer***” lol
“Quit looking up my skirt you fucking pervert!!” -Owl
You can lure barn owls with a grass whistle, it probably isn’t that hard to get a shot like this.
[Here](https://live.staticflickr.com/1488/24646911190_d03c9f3fb8_o.jpg) is a MUCH higher quality version of this image. [Here](https://www.flickr.com/photos/65557109@N02/24646911190/) is the source. Credit to the photographer, [Roy Rimmer](https://www.flickr.com/photos/65557109@N02/), who took this in August 2015. According to [here](https://petapixel.com/2016/07/12/story-behind-incredible-shot-owl-flight/):
> Michael Zhang
> Rimmer has been working on this particular setup for well over a year. The idea started when he discovered a barn owl roosting in an owl box he installed several years ago in an oak tree. On rainy days, Rimmer would visit the owl and place mice or chicks on a post near the tree, allowing the owl to eat even though it can’t hunt.
> The photographer then noticed that when the owl would descend on his meal, it would hover for a moment above the area before swooping in — a perfect opportunity for a photo.
> To get the owl used to Rimmer’s camera equipment, he began leaving his gear near the post. At first the owl ignored the food and flew off, but days later it grew accustomed to the cameras and began taking the bait again. Rimmer then set up a camera and two flashes and working on nailing the correct focus distance and exposure (using a white fluffy toy as a stand-in model).
> Finally, when everything was calculated and ready to go, Rimmer spent a couple of nights sitting in a hide, waiting for the owl to emerge and land on the post. When it finally did, Rimmer fired off an exposure using a remote shutter release. Voila! A perfect shot.
^^^^^^^[holy](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/xu0s12/a_once_in_a_lifetime_shot_by_photographer_roy/iqvlrdh/) ^^^^^^^[freakin](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/mmo5c4/in_the_right_place_at_the_right_time/gtswe4t/) ^^^^^^^[deja](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/be8xiv/luckiest_shot/el3zbaj/) ^^^^^^^[vu](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/9r79fd/owl_swoops_over_camera_at_perfect_moment/e8f6fi3/)
,,,, just before,,, AAAAHHHH my eyes
“Photographer unknown” WHO?
Omg it’s David Bowie!
photographer dead. We’ll never know.
Not a fan of upvotes to someone reposting a photographer’s work and not even trying to credit.
This is the last thing people see when they die in the wilderness.