Everyone thinks they are still young even when they get old. This old dude probably been jamming to Hendrix and zeppelin for 20 years before this fella was born. Don’t underestimate old folks is what I’m saying. They know about cool stuff and like new cool stuff as much as anyone.
I’ve seen this happen many times, when I played music in old folks homes. The cane disappears and for a while they are young again and dancing their hearts out.
Spread that love and joy!
Old dude can move!
That cane ain’t there for support, it’s there for STYLE!
The part at the end with the cane was impressive.
So wholesome
Everyone thinks they are still young even when they get old. This old dude probably been jamming to Hendrix and zeppelin for 20 years before this fella was born. Don’t underestimate old folks is what I’m saying. They know about cool stuff and like new cool stuff as much as anyone.
Damn ima set this as my morning alarm just to have a happy reminder start.
Great vid but that’s not an old man lol
Grandpa got moves! I hope I’ll be as healthy and mobile as him to move on a whim and enjoy the moment when I get older.
Damn what badass grandpa
The vibes

LSD flashbacks full swing
That will be me.
That old man has style. He must be a former Actor Dancer. He should go on the street with his smooth moves…….

This guy has a ton of great videos of people dancing to his playing
They need to team up and go on one of those shows like America’s Got Talent, I’d watch that.
Soon there will be no pixels left just a shadowy tune coming from the darkness.
Old dude is young dude from the future there to support him in the best way possible.
50% chance he’s just a 26 year old hipster who dresses like that, has a cane, and dies his beard white ironically.
Disability Fraud! Where’s the insurance adjusters when needed!
U/save video
Here’s a question, why us the video so grainy?
Maybe to hide the actor’s true age.
There’s a video out there somewhere where they meet again and have another little dance
That’s the real meaning of life
Wow I love those moves! Are we sure that it’s not Johnny Knoxville?!
I’m going to need to know what semi-hollow body guitar that is. It’s awesome! Great vid too.
The Amazing Randi
I love this so much. Never gets old.
Mom, are you posting in r/funny again?
Yo that cane in the middle move at the end was slick
I’ve seen this happen many times, when I played music in old folks homes. The cane disappears and for a while they are young again and dancing their hearts out.
I aspire to be as cool as the guy with the cane when I get to his age.
Why was there a skip ahead in the video but not the audio?
I wish everyone was this open about expressing themselves in public. That’s the life.