Did they find this movie in a fucking time capsule? Looks like something that would have come out in 2004. Aren’t they both pushing 50? I would think their forgettable rom com days were behind them.
How much money you wanna bet that this movie has a scene with the male protagonist discussing their relationship while “playing basketball” with their buddy and bounce passing everytime someone makes a point?
Is the movie about how she found the fountain of youth as I’d really rather see how she’s entirely stopped and reversed the aging process?
Your Place or Mine aka No Strings Attached Part II: Same Shit, Different Bitch.
What are, “movies I will never watch for 400,” Alex?
Now if they made it so Ashton Kutcher was a street performer who didn’t speak, and they called it your place or mime, I’d be there
I used to get excited when I see big names on movies…well, before Netflix
All I know about this movie is from this poster, and despite that I already know:
– The plot
– The twist
– The ending
– Several scenes
Hollywood has gotten that predictable.
Why do I feel like I just went back in time to like 2009 or something?
Make it stop.
*2003 enters the chat*
Did they find this movie in a fucking time capsule? Looks like something that would have come out in 2004. Aren’t they both pushing 50? I would think their forgettable rom com days were behind them.
Rom Com is back…they’re both mid 40s Netflix hitting paying customers demographics
Fingers crossed that Reese Witherspoon plays a woman named Jackie and Ashton Kutcher plays a guy who CANNOT control the weather
Might be the worst photoshopped Hollywood “poster” of all time. And that’s saying something.
I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.
Crueler Intentions: Your Place or Mine (Sticking it Anywhere)
this is airbrushed to holy hell. what a gross poster.
I fully realize it’s a me problem, but I just cannot get over his bro-y douchey vibe from Punked, it’s all I see when I see him.
Yea thats gonna be a no from me dawg
That is not a good shot of Ashton Kutcher.
You had me at Aline Brosh McKenna and Rachel Bloom.
lol no thanks
Both these actors are billionaires. Why continue to make shit movies?
“Your Plaice or Mine”
Fish farm throw down
Damn I know it’s a poster but she looks fucking good for 46.
Looks like shit.
This seems like an odd couple.
Is Netflix in their halmark movie Era? I was thinking of canceling my subscription but I really like bad movies.
I could not be less interested
In terms of chins, they are a match.
How much money you wanna bet that this movie has a scene with the male protagonist discussing their relationship while “playing basketball” with their buddy and bounce passing everytime someone makes a point?
One bad poster.
This looks like a fake movie in a real movie
Is that Kevin Malone?
ITT not the intended audience who will also be shocked when it’s one of Netflix’s top 10 movies by viewing metrics