No clue what it’s about but, Counter clockwise: Sympathetic woman, curious intellectual, renegade hot head soldier and initially-mean-but-ultimately-warm-hearted-boomer
Crazy to think that this plot is lifted straight out of an early Metalocalypse episode. I predict they will need to play a lullaby on “Granspa’s Guitars” to put the troll back to sleep. Or possibly throw a spikey phone into its throat.
Even if this flops I strongly recommend another stand alone film from Norway called Troll Hunter. Had some really hilarious parts but that could just be my heritage showing
This reminds me of “Troll Hunter” If you haven’t seen “Troll Hunter” I’d suggest giving it a go, I was thoroughly entertained and thought the graphics were great for the time.
Crazy how common this movie poster format is. I feel like it works well when the characters are all iconic already, but without that it looks so bland.
Wonder how much of the actual Troll will we see. Might just focus on the humans mostly and see snippets of the troll fucking shit up. Kinda like Godzilla 2014.
Knowing the original, i expect nothing. Or even less.
No clue what it’s about but, Counter clockwise: Sympathetic woman, curious intellectual, renegade hot head soldier and initially-mean-but-ultimately-warm-hearted-boomer
Guessing the plot:
Protagonist is a sympathetic character with a pet goat they love.
Troll crashes in and steals their goat.
Everyone around goes crazy, berating the Troll.
Troll laps it all up. That’s what it’s there for.
Is that Randy Quaid on the right
Can’t wait for the sequel, Troll 2!
Looking forward to this, Norwegian movies are solid, and I love their obsession with trolls
Which one has to pay the troll toll?
Is this the sequel to that other Troll movie from Norway? That one was pretty great
Be hilarious if the poster is a bait and switch and the actual movie is just a livestream of a neckbeard on 4chan
Looks like Ben Kingsley.
Does this one sing and dance?
Do they have the right to use the name “Harry Potter”?
How much exactly is the troll toll?
Did you bring the toll?
They’re eating her… and then they’re going to eat me!
Just go watch Troll Hunter.
Is this a prequel to the glorious Troll 2?
Funny to me hownindebted the trailers feel to, very specifically, the 2014 Godzilla film.
Crazy to think that this plot is lifted straight out of an early Metalocalypse episode. I predict they will need to play a lullaby on “Granspa’s Guitars” to put the troll back to sleep. Or possibly throw a spikey phone into its throat.
Is this a sequel or in any way related to Troll Hunter?
Ah, finally the long-awaited prequel to Troll 2!
“He makes shoeses for Ogg, Rogg, and Pogg.”
Even if this flops I strongly recommend another stand alone film from Norway called Troll Hunter. Had some really hilarious parts but that could just be my heritage showing
This reminds me of “Troll Hunter” If you haven’t seen “Troll Hunter” I’d suggest giving it a go, I was thoroughly entertained and thought the graphics were great for the time.
Did someone forget to pay the troll toll?
Ngl…this looks AWFUL
That looks errrr….. shit.
Is there supposed to be some meta twist to this premise or is it really as lazy as just “Godzilla, but troll”?
Crazy how common this movie poster format is. I feel like it works well when the characters are all iconic already, but without that it looks so bland.
That looks so dumb and low budget.
Wonder how much of the actual Troll will we see. Might just focus on the humans mostly and see snippets of the troll fucking shit up. Kinda like Godzilla 2014.
Netflix is trolling
Is it just me, or does she look like a young Laura Dern from that angle?
They should have cast Danny Devito as the troll
Is this a Troll 2 prequel?
This looks like a remake of Troll Hunter. Sort of.
I liked that movie. Don’t think I’m going to like this, but I’ll give it a shot.
This type of poster design should really only be used when you’ve got extremely well-known characters and/or actors in the movie.
Looks like dogshit
and with the most stereotypical, cookie-cutter movie poster style too!
Netflix be putting out some fake as fuck, terrible looking “who would even rent that from blockbuster stoned on a Friday night?” ass shit
so who is gonna be the nightman?
Colin Robinson smoked this guy