September 19, 2023 by ICumCoffee [ad_1] Official poster for Nikolaj Arcel’s ‘The Promised Land’ [ad_2] View Reddit by ICumCoffee – View Source
Damn, that poster looks like it was made by a high schooler in graphic design class. And not the good kind of high schooler either. More like the one who always smelled like Cheetos and never showered. September 19, 2023 at 3:32 pm Reply
The wrinkly skin of his lower mouth… turns into burnt debris on the ground? Not sure if the intern who made this is an amateur or auteur. September 19, 2023 at 3:42 pm Reply
Mads might be one of the few actors who always used his own face, not even a fake tosh September 19, 2023 at 4:29 pm Reply
Every time I see his face I can only think when are we getting more Hannibal pleeeeassse September 19, 2023 at 6:36 pm Reply
This is one of the worst posters I’ve ever seen.
Damn, that poster looks like it was made by a high schooler in graphic design class. And not the good kind of high schooler either. More like the one who always smelled like Cheetos and never showered.
The wrinkly skin of his lower mouth… turns into burnt debris on the ground? Not sure if the intern who made this is an amateur or auteur.
Mads might be one of the few actors who always used his own face, not even a fake tosh
Looks like the poster for First Reformed.
Dope close up of Madsies face on this one.
Every time I see his face I can only think when are we getting more Hannibal pleeeeassse
it’s pronounced Nikolaj