Anyone remember ‘Ford vs. Ferarri’ (2019)? Sure you do. It was a great movie. In it, I feel like we learned just enough about Enzo Ferrari lol. The only people who asked for more are those who own Ferrari’s 🤣
Good luck, Michael Mann. You could have given us another sensation like ‘Heat’, but instead we’ll get a 3 hour semi-biopic about an Italian dude who makes really expensive cars that only rich people and racing teams can afford. But they’re like, REALLY nice cars, or whatever.
But that’s ok. Anyone remember when Ford spanked Ferrari 4 years in a row at Le Mans? Well, go watch ‘Ford vs. Ferrari’ 🤣
The fact that they’re unironically making movies that existed in the show Entourage as fictional projects for Vincent Chase to star in tells you everything you need to know about Hollywood.
Michael Imperioli? /s
Good god these posters. I have more creativity in my poop.
Trailer any second now.
How did I not notice that this is Adam Driver? I was looking up who had the lead role and I didn’t recognize the dude
i like it…subtle
Looks like Ferrari Vice
Guy made cars, by the way, not that you’d have any clue from the poster.
It’s just The Whale poster but for Racing.
Feels like we’ve spent the last decade waiting for this film.
I hope this is better than that shitty Nutella movie *Ferrero*.
It’s unfortunate that this poster sucks.
This baby can fit so many gradients *slaps poster*
No, I taught myself graphic design. Cant tell, right!??
I thought that was Dave Gahan for a second
From the guy who brought you the original Miami Vice series…. comes….
Bet ya didn’t see that coming, did ya?
Anyone remember ‘Ford vs. Ferarri’ (2019)? Sure you do. It was a great movie. In it, I feel like we learned just enough about Enzo Ferrari lol. The only people who asked for more are those who own Ferrari’s 🤣
Good luck, Michael Mann. You could have given us another sensation like ‘Heat’, but instead we’ll get a 3 hour semi-biopic about an Italian dude who makes really expensive cars that only rich people and racing teams can afford. But they’re like, REALLY nice cars, or whatever.
But that’s ok. Anyone remember when Ford spanked Ferrari 4 years in a row at Le Mans? Well, go watch ‘Ford vs. Ferrari’ 🤣
Is this a prequel to *Ford vs Ferrari*?
The fact that they’re unironically making movies that existed in the show Entourage as fictional projects for Vincent Chase to star in tells you everything you need to know about Hollywood.
So is Adam driver just the bio pick guy now. Does he even look my Mr, Ferrari
Yay more biopics.
Can someone explain why these ads for movies are in the News feed? And how to get rid of them?
Guys this character poster is sick as hell
The second I heard a new Michael Mann film was coming out, the ticket was bought.
I don’t need no trailers or nothing Jesus, the shit is bought
We need a flair for “advertisement” instead of “news” with these things
holy shit albert wesker
I unironically can’t wait to hear him do an Italian accent again
Does this have anything to do with Ford vs Ferrari?
Adam Driver is everywhere now! I was like waaa grey hair? Ok. I don’t mind I quite like his acting
Good thing they got Adam Driver and Penelope Cruz to star in a car based movie
Adam Driver is the GOAT right now
Michelle Ferrari?
is adam driver the only actor allowed to play italians?
Thats Tony Hawk
I didn’t think Ford vs Ferrari would become a franchise.
I can tell he’s a piece of shit because his hair is slicked back
He’s cropdusting
omg I love brands. I always show up opening night for any movie based on a brand.
Adam Driver is Donald Fagen in Ferrari.
This poster is as exciting looking as the movie I’m betting.
I wish they would stop putting Adam Driver in things
While I do agree that oftentimes less is more, it does seem silly to not have a single car on a poster for a movie about Enzo Ferrari.
Oh my god. Enough of Adam Driver
JP from Grandma’s Boy
Pls let there be an over the top Italian stereotype played by Jared Leto 🙏🏻
Another loosely-based-on-reality mockumentary like House of Gucci, huh?