Official Poster for ‘Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves’
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Official Poster for ‘Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves’
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It’s weird because the synopsis of the movie seems fun, but that poster is frankly abysmal 😅😅😅
That…looks like ass.
I usually don’t join in on the pile-on towards floating head posters, but I’d recommend the studios go back and try again for this one. Rege Jean is the only actor with a flattering shot selection.
I think they could have done better here. No thought put into it at all!!
Looks like the Movie Poster Art rolled a 1. This campaign is off to a bad start.
Just please let this be fun. I just want a fun DnD movie.
Wow, they didn’t even bring back Jeremy Irons…
Official poster? Looks like fan art. Not a great start imo for a long awaited project.
Ooh I’ve always wanted to see a crossover movie featuring Black Widow, the Old Spice guy, the Handmaiden’s Tale, Daniel Cleaver, Valkyrie and literally every single goddamn protagonist Chris Pine has ever played in his career.
Modern movie posters really are terrible.
Needs more Jeremy Irons
As he ages Chris Pine is morphing into Gary Johnston from Team America: World Police.
The trailers and everything else so far look like this will be a fun movie but this poster is really bad.
You know, they could’ve taken inspiration from old school fantasy art and done something really cool for the poster. Or even looked at the 5e books which aren’t my illustration style cup of tea but still better than this. Instead, they do this garbage.
Pretty clever poster tbh. Tanking our expectations with a textbook how not to make a movie poster, so that we can be positively surprised by the actual movie. Tbh lots of movie posters suck but this is particularly bad
Glad to see Danhausen getting work
They should wait til the last minute and push the release date to April 7 just so we can get the real DnD experience. “Something came up, got to postpone.”
I only hope that everyone pauses during every combat, you hear dice rolling, numbers appear over the heads of everyone indicating initiative order, and each round of combat is a half hour of confused rolling and arguing about advantage and obscure rules in a book nobody actually owns.
Poster says ‘in theaters’ but looks like direct to VHS 🤔
I find it weird that for the first real DND movie, which is officially licensed, they’d fill half of the cast with unknown B-Listers for god knows what reason.
And none of them are actually known to have any kind of connection with DND or WOTC.
Why not hire any of those Actors that actually have played DND before, like: Vin Diesel, Matthew Lillard, Joe Manganiello, Mike Myers, Patton Oswalt, Wil Wheaton who would actually know things about the Forgotten realms and DND in general.
It may just be that any kind of Game/Video Game adaptations in recent years have made me overly sceptical, but unless the script writers and the Regisseur know what they are doing this is going to flop hard imo…
Wow a poster for *Dungeons and Dragons* in 2022 that manages to make the dragon look like total shit. This movie is going to suuuuck.
At least Michelle Rodriguez gets to play Michelle Rodriguez again but this time dressed as Aloy
If Michele Rodriguez character is not a strong woman who lives by her own rules and constantly challenges the main dude to prove she is more capable than him to lead this ragtag band of misfits I’ll be surprised
Some strong Uwe Boll vibes here.
March 31st? I have a conflict that night, can we reschedule?
This won’t ever be an authentic D&D movie unless a main character dies, are mourned, and then immediately replaced by a new character played by the same actor just five minutes later.
So instead of having all the unique races in DnD, they chose to make them all humans.
I thought the trailer I watched for this was a fever dream. This is actually a thing that is happening?
Those are some big names for a porn parody.
I really wish they’d get one of Wizards of the Coasts acclaimed artists to do a proper poster. These full-costume photoshop jobs just look generic fantasy. Like they shopped in a bunch of costume tests with no thought as to having it fit the tone and legacy of the game it’s supposed to represent.
I’ve seen better posters from low-budget Sci-Fi channel fantasy flics.