Odell Beckham Jr Causes All Passengers to Deplane After Refusing to Leave
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Odell Beckham Jr Causes All Passengers to Deplane After Refusing to Leave
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If I was a coach I wouldn’t want him anywhere near my locker room.
I can sympathize. Once I am aboard and take my pants off, I just want them to leave me alone.
This is bodycam footage from an event in november. he caused the plane to return to the gate, and naturally when the passengers said something, he yelled to everyone he’d be on a private jet and he didn’t care
thanksgiving weekend if i remember
My guy just wanted to sleep and was fucking out of it. Sure it was a dick move to make everyone get off the plane. But it really seems like the flight crew escalated the situation.
I’m sure this is an unpopular take.
Why did they make everyone get off the plane, instead of just telling him to reboard or face arrest, anyone know? Seems unnecessary.
What a diva. The fact he thought there was more dignity in deplaning everyone before himself says all you need to know about this arrogant ass.
Poor Odell….he is such a victim. Of his OWN CHOICES. 🙄🙄🙄
He will bankrupt in 5-8 years and we will have a laugh at him.
why was he removed?
What a fuckin loser.
Well we know if this was anyone else refusing to get off the plane they would of been pepper sprayed/shot, handcuffed, beat and arrested for this shit.
Get fucked you pretentious piece of shit
TIL I wasn’t lied to when my flight got delayed by 5 hours after boarding and I wasn’t able to get my bags off when I booked a new flight instead.
I wouldn’t do this but not really mad at him. He was cleared by medical professionals and was still forced to leave. Yes there could have been an incident once in the air but it doesn’t make it weird for someone to be mad to have to get off a plane. I also think he handled it like a diva but a respectful diva. He wasn’t aggressive or rude besides to that one dude in the red shirt.
Fuck that dude.
What an ass
Misleading title, get fucked
Dont forget he likes it when women poo on him. True story. Back in Cleveland ironically (Cleveland Steamer)(Browns) so many puns in there
What a selfish idiot. They should have arrested him for trespassing and interfering with a crewmember on an airplane and violating federal law.
Another pro athlete diva. Cancel and ignore. They will go away.
We’re all just NPCs getting in his way.
Classic example of plane crew on power trip. Fuck the airlines. Being moody isn’t a reason to kick someone off a flight. Saying he didn’t have pants on when he had “shorts on” sounds just like the kind of lies the scum bag police tell. I hate the airlines.